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You woke up with the sun hitting your face. You looked at the wall clock and it was 8:36 am. Zhenzhen walked out of the bathroom and greeted you. "Morning." She said, toothbrush in her mouth. "Morning, Zhen." You replied. "Where did Dani and Cocoa go?" Zhenzhen replied with, "Oh, they're in the cafeteria having breakfast. I already had mine."

You headed over to the cafeteria, joining the two girls at their table. Majority of the kids were still in their pajamas. "Hey guys!" You greeted them with a warm smile. They smiled back and continued eating their food. "They're serving pancakes, right over there." Cocoa pointed toward the serving area. "Thanks, guys." You lined up to get your food, and there was a red-head behind you. "Hey," he said, trying to start up a conversation. "I'm Alex." He puts out his hand for you to shake. "Y/N," you said, ignoring his hand and turning back to the line.

The time was 1:24pm, and everyone has had their lunches. The PA went on, and a voice announced that we were going canoeing. Everyone in your cabin started to grab their bags, and put on their jackets. You were wearing this:

   As the girls were walking to the camp vans, Dariush pushed them aside, and got into the front seat, which didn't work out for him

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As the girls were walking to the camp vans, Dariush pushed them aside, and got into the front seat, which didn't work out for him. He ended up sitting a row in front of you and Zhenzhen, and told the Alex kid beside him to scooch over. You decided to ignore them and flip the butterfly knife you had secretly packed.

"Hope yall not afraid of sharks!" Logan shouted, slapping the side of the van before getting in. "My license is suspended, so put your seatbelts on!" "Wait, what do you mean by 'your license is suspended'?" Dariush asked. "It means let's not get pulled over." Logan said back.

You all made it to the canoeing place, and the woman there said some kid shit the canoe while shooting the rapids. The kids let out a disappointed groan, while you were holding in your laugh. She then told everyone it would take a few minutes to clean, so you and Zhenzhen decided to head on over to the spot on the poster. You asked Dani and Cocoa if they wanted to come, but they said no.

As you were walking on the pathway, Alex was shouting behind you. "Zhenzhen! Y/N! Are you guys sure we're supposed to be going this far into the woods?" The two of you looked at each other, and just ignored Alex's cries of concern. Both of you didn't notice Alex disappearing behind you.

You two found the poster spot, and just enjoyed the view. Zhenzhen was looking up in the sky with her hands up, just like in the poster. Suddenly, you heard a kid yelling "Stop!" You and Zhenzhen walked over to the noise, then you heard another voice say, "Let him go!" The scene revealed Dariush holding Alex near the edge of the cliff, and a tall boy looking at them, telling Dariush to let go of him. "Move along, mountain hobo. We've got no qualms with you." Dariush said. You just stood back there, unnoticed. Zhenzhen, on the other hand, slowly walked up to them, not saying a word.

"I'm not gonna ask you again." The strange boy said, with an intimidating tone. Dariush threw Alex to the ground, and Zhenzhen ran up to him, helping him up. "Ooh, five years of Krav Maga, bitch. I'll Gal Gadot you so hard right now. What's your ground game, huh? What? What? Wha-" Dariush attempted to punch the boy, but he simply dodged it, and punched his face, knocking him out. You walk into the scene, looking around.

"You guys are from the, um, camp, right?" The boy asked and you all nodded. "Who are you?" Alex asked. "My name's Gabriel." Finally, a name to match to the face.

"I'm Alex. Those two are Zhenzhen and Y/N. They don't talk a lot. The kid you just knocked over is Dariush." Alex introduced you all. "You live around here?" Alex asked him another question. Gabriel hesitated a bit, but then answered his question with a "yes".

Dariush got up, looking a bit dizzy. "You know what? That was- That was a lucky punch right there. Y'know, I haven't acclaimed to the altitudes yet- gasp so my reflexes are kinda, sub-par." He wheezed out.

After finishing that sentence, around three loud booms could be heard in the sky. All of your phones rang, except for Gabriel, who didn't have one. He looked over Alex's shoulder and asked, "What's that?" Dariush replied with, "It's the emergency broadcast system. All civillians are to evacuate metropolitan areas immediately . Under no circumstances approach any unknown aircraft." Dariush gasped. "It's the next 7-11." Everyone had a worried look on their face.

"We gotta get back to the van," Alex stated, "does anyone know the way?"

"I do, follow me." Gabriel started to lead everyone back, and Dariush suddenly boomed, "Woah, slow your roll, Dora the Explorer. This is my clique. Soldiers, out." You all ignored him as he went the other way, but then caved in and went with you guys.

You all made it back, and noticed that everyone was gone. "Assholes!" Dariush yelled. "They probably got the emergency signal and went back to camp." Alex said.

Just then, more booms were heard. "Looks like explosions, in the upper atmosphere."

"Call them and have them send a van to pick you up." Gabriel instructed. You whipped out your phone and noticed it wasn't turning on. "It's dead!" Dariush said. "I had 90% two seconds ago! Piece of shit Boost Mobile." You frowned.

"Oh, come on! I was getting into a good fanfiction yesterday!" You yelled, causing the whole group to look at you. "Would you all stop looking at me weirdly, and realize that we're all left alone here?" You said.

Fighter jets zoomed near the water, causing it to splash on all of you. "Oh my god, It's independence day!" Gabriel said. Dariush looked at him and said, "It's June, Gabriel!" He thought for one second and yelled, "Wait, maybe North Korea's invaded! Zhenzhen, call it off!" Zhenzhen was having none of it, and just glared at him.

"We just have to wait here and let the adults realize they left us and come back!" Alex tried staying calm.

"Oh, no, what if they don't come back?" Dariush yelled. "I'm gonna die here with you losers?! I haven't even had sex before!" Everyone looked at him weirdly. "Let me, let me clear that up, I've had sex before, just not with two girls at the same time. Right, Alex? I told you that." Alex just shook his head.

  "Look, we're not gonna die, it's probably just a forest fire. But we gotta get going," Gabriel said, "bears out here can be crazy. Dariush widened his eyes. "Woah, okay, slow your roll, did you just say bears?!" He said, "I don't do so well with bears, man! I'm not trying to get Dicaprio'd up in here!" Dariush complained.

  "Look, no one does well with bears." Gabriel said with a crack in his voice.

"Oh, uh, ask Werner Herzog. Grizzly man lived with those things for years so, go check that out." Dariush talked back.

  "Did you watch the end of that movie?" Gabriel asked. "Did I watch-? Did I- no." Dariush replied.

"No, dude- okay, stop. Gabriel's right." Alex said. "Black bears are opportunistic carnivores. We're not gonna survive the wilderness through the night." Alex spoke his mind.

"Then let's go!" Dariush said, and the five of you ran back to camp.

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