e p i l o g u e

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   The day finally came. One month of waiting was worth it. The day of your wedding was today.

   You were in your hotel room, along with your maid of honor, Zhenzhen. No, Gabriel wasn't in the same room. You weren't supposed to see each other until the ceremony.

One hour. One hour until you are married to the love of your life. Everyone was invited, even your ex-boyfriend, Adrien.

   Before you get ready for your wedding, you change into these clothes:

   Before you get ready for your wedding, you change into these clothes:

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   Just then, your mom, step mom, hair stylist, bridesmaids, and makeup artist entered the room to help you get ready.

   Before they could help you, you needed to change into your wedding dress. This is what it looked like:

(imagine something else if you don't like it)

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(imagine something else if you don't like it)

As you're getting ready, you start talking with Zhenzhen.

   "You're finally getting married! You nervous?" She asks you.

   "Well, kinda." You answer her.

   "Well, don't worry! Gabriel loves you, and I know you love him too. Nothing's gonna go wrong." She assures you.

   "Haha, thanks." You say to her.

-30 minutes before the wedding-

   By now, you were already done getting ready. Everyone was complimenting you, and you were freaking out.

   "My baby's finally getting married!" Your mom says, putting both arms on your shoulders.

   You chuckle, hugging her.

   "I still can't believe it, I'm becoming a wife!" You squeal.

   "And hopefully a mom soon!" Your step-mom says in a singsong voice.

   You chuckle, "Oh, please!"

   Time passes, and it's already 10 minutes before you make your big entrance. Everyone was at the venue already, including you. There were a lot of people waiting for the ceremony to begin. 

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now