e l e v e n

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   "We saved the world!"

   While the others were celebrating their victory, your body was attempting to wake you up. The smoke from the fire made it difficult for you to breathe.

    "Where.. am I?" You managed to ask yourself a question. You looked around, and saw that you were still at JPL. The fire that killed the alien was slowly spreading, and you knew you had to get out of there.

   Getting up, your body was still in pain. You ran to the entrance, trying to endure it.

   By the time you were at the door, the four others were gone. You saw the two units that General Khoury had sent, and waved at it with both arms.

   "Hey! Over here!" You yelled. It came out quiet, and the only listener was you. That was it. Your body was ready to give up. But your mind wasn't.

"Guys, I can't believe we saved the world," Gabriel said excitedly. The four of them were in a military truck, probably driving to an evacuation center.

Alex looked around the already crowded truck. "Guys, where's Y/N?" he asked. The others looked down.

   "She's ... gone. We couldn't get her in time," Zhenzhen said.

"We don't even know if she's alive," Gabriel said.

Alex's eyes widened. "She.. died?" The others were tearing up, thinking about the loss of their dear friend.

"Yeah," Dariush said, a crack in his voice.

"I.. have her bag. Thought she dropped it on the way out," Alex said, handing the others your bag.

Zhenzhen opened it, examining the contents inside. Your weapons were there, your phone was there, everything was there.

"Her camera," the girl said, picking it up. She switched it on, and looked through the videos. Zhenzhen tapped on a video, and it started playing.

"I was like, good gracious, ass is bodacious!" Dariush yelled from beyond the camera. The others laughed weakly as they were recalling the memories all five of you shared.

The girl holding the camera clicked off the video, and tapped on another.

   The video played. "Dude, what are you doing?" "I'm recording you failing, hah!" Gabriel smiled, and took the camera in his hands.

   Two minutes into the video, Dariush spoke. "She taught you how to flip that thing?"

   "Yeah, it was pretty neat," Gabriel answered.

   "giggling Gabriel! Look here!" You called from beyond the screen. The others were smiling, as if you were still here.

   "Alright guys, this was day 1 of trying to save the world! See you!" Just like before, the video played Gabriel turning your head around to face him, then both of you kissing. The video ended shortly after that.

   Again, the others started cheering at Gabriel.

   "You kissed her on the first day?" Dariush asked.

   "I know, it was stupid. But she liked it," Gabriel defended himself. The rest of them laughed.

   Zhenzhen decided to watch one more video. She clicked on a random video, and it played. The screen showed you facing the camera, and infront of the mall.

   "Hey guys! If you're watching this, you've probably saved the world already, and I didn't make it. Oh well. It was lucky my camera worked during this entire thing, cause if it didn't, you wouldn't have any memories of me. We've been through a lot, and honestly, there's nobody else I'd rather save the world with than you guys." It was a video of you, saying goodbye. The others were tearing up again.

   "I don't want you to feel bad for me, we all die at some point. Sure, I passed a little too early. But hey, it's fate. I can't change that. Well, all I have left to say is... thank you." The video kept going, and the group was in tears. Especially Zhenzhen and Gabriel.

   "Zhenzhen," She paid attention to the recording. "..thanks for being my first friend on camp. You can have my camera. You're a really cool girl, say hi to Dani and Cocoa for me!"

   "Dariush, thanks for lighting up the mood with jokes throughout this whole journey. Your sense of humor is superior, don't stop making jokes! Take care of my phone for me!" He smiled.

   "Alex, thanks for being the brains of our group. If you hadn't yelled out for help, you couldn't have gotten this far. Look after my keychain!" Alex had a hurt look on his face, trying to keep up a smile.

   "Last, but not least, Gabriel. sigh I don't even know what to say! You're an amazing person, don't let your past hold you back. Thanks for being protective of us. I hope you still have the knife I gave you, cause I'm trusting you with it! And... there's something else. I think we all know what it is," You started to feel bashful.

   "So... uhh... listen. I may or may not have liked you since the day you kissed me. That gave me, like, the biggest butterflies ever. It was also my first kiss! Well, first and last. So, yeah, I lik- oh for God's sake, I love you, Gabriel!" The camera showed you blushing hard. The group weakly grinned at Gabriel, and he turned red.

   "Did I just say that..? chuckle I did! Well, now that you know, there's one final thing for me to say. I'm proud of you. I'll be watching you guys from above. But, if I happen to be alive, I will do everything in my power to find you guys again. Pinky promise!" The group went back to silently crying again. The video kept playing.

   "Dariush, Gabriel, I want you two to stop fighting. Please get along for me! Zhenzhen, Alex, if I happen to be alive and I find out you two aren't dating yet, I'm gonna be real, real sad. giggle Okay, that's it, I'm ready to go. Bye, you guys. Remember, I love you!" The video ended with you waving at the camera.

   Zhenzhen carefully put the camera back as everyone else was crying. Gabriel, however, was in the most tears.

   He took out the knife you gave him, and hugged it close to him. He whispered to himself,

   "I love you too, Y/N."

but really tho rip y/n 😔
hope yall enjoy this garbage, cya!

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