t w e n t y - f o u r

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As the winter break went by, you spent more time going on dates with Adrien, catching up with Gabriel and the others, and even found time to catch up with Dani and Cocoa. You also got bunk beds in yours and Hailey's room, so there was no need to switch between the floor and the bed.

It's now January 9th, the first day back to school. You were eating lunch with your friends, when all of a sudden, a boy walks up to your table.

"Hey. Can I sit here?" He asked. You all looked up at him as you let him sit down between Xavier and Adrien.

"So, what's your name?" You asked, taking another bite of your food.

"Andrew. But, my friends call me Andre," He replied.

"Why Andre?" Asked Xavier.

"Oh, 'cause I'm part-French." Andre answered.

"Cool! I'm Xavier, by the way." You all introduced yourself to the new boy sitting at your table. He had glasses, and a pride button on his bag.

"You new here?" Adrien asked.

"No. I had other friends, but they kicked me out because I'm gay and I liked one of them." Said Andre, who was now looking down.

"Goddamn homophobes. Sorry that happened to you." You said, an empathetic look on your face.

"Don't worry, this is a safe space for LGBTQ+ people!" Hailey exclaimed.

You all continued to chat and eat until lunch break was over. The group split up once you got to the main hallway.

Adrien and Andre were walking towards their next class, and Andre noticed a few unfriendly faces.

"Oh god, they're here." Andre said, trying to hide himself.

"Who?" Adrien asked.

"My old friends, the homophobes!" Andre then went behind Adrien, but the other kids already saw him.

"Hey, gay boy!" One of them taunted. His friends laughed.

"Dude, leave him alone." Adrien said, putting an arm in front of Andre.

"So, you finally found a boyfriend to protect your weak ass. Classic f*gs." Another yelled.

"Can you not call me that?" Andre yelled.

"What are you gonna do? Kiss me?" The other boy said before laughing.

Andre looked down in embarassment, but Adrien straight up punched the homophobic boy in the jaw. The boy fell down, holding his cheek.

"Oh, you wanna dance? Let's dance!" He yelled. The two boys charged at each other while everyone formed a circle around them. It looked like Adrien was winning. The asian boy took him by the collar, and threw him against the lockers.

Before the boy could get up, Adrien took Andre by the hand, and dragged him out of there. "Let's go."

-after school-
The six of you met up at the front of the school, and you were walking to the bus. As you were walking onto the bus, someone had tripped Adrien over.

You made your way over to your boyfriend, helping him up. The kid who tripped him over was snickering, nudging his friends.

"Dude, the f*ck is your problem?" You say, in an intimidating voice.

The kid chuckled. "Well, can't one guy just say to another guy that he shouldn't have punched me in the face?"

"Uh, and words couldn't have worked?" You said.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now