f o u r

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   "Holy shit!" You yelled, thinking the alien dog was back. All three of you flinched when Zhenzhen and Alex hit the door. All of you were making hand gestures, telling each other to go out or stay back.

  Everyone was yelling out phrases like, "Go, go! The alien's out there!" or, "We have to leave now!" But none of it was heard. The capsule was apparently soundproof. 

   Zhenzhen and Alex finally understood what you were trying to tell them, and they turned around to see the alien dog running at them. They ran before it could reach them, and the dog slammed itself on the door, making everyone in the capsule flinch once again.

   "We gotta let them in!" Gabriel said as he attempted to open the door. Dariush's eyes went huge, and tried to stop him.

   "No, what are you doing? lEt tHEm iN. No!" The two boys started to argue and push each other. You were starting to get anxious. 

   Meanwhile, Alex and Zhenzhen were walking around the outsode of the capsule to try and evade the dog. Zhenzhen went a little too fast, and Alex tried to keep up with her. 

   "Zhenzhen! Zhenzhen!" He whisper-yelled as quietly as possible. Watching Zhenzhen walk to the right, he turned the opposite way, and was now facing the dog as it roared in his face. 

   "No, stop, leave it alone!" The two boys were still arguing, and you were panicking. Being in a small space with two guys yelling freaked you out. At this point, you'd had enough. You wanted the yelljng to stop. "SHUT UP!!!" You yelled in fear, causing the two boys to jump back towards a lever. It was pushed back enough to activate some sort of booster for the dragon capsule. 

   "Oh shit, what did I push?" Gabriel asked. Nobody responded as the alien roared in Alex's face, the fiery burst launching him a few feet from the redhead. The fire was still in contact with the small alien. The dog was screeching, it was audible to everyone, even the kids inside the capsule.Eventually, the alien was burnt to a crisp. The group widened their eyes, and Dariush slammed himself against the door.

   "Alex, you're welcome! I put the dog on fire for you guys. Gabriel and Y/N were selfish and didn't help at all," he yelled. You and Gabriel both looked at each other, then back at Dariush. "What button do I push to open this door?!" He kept yelling. 

   You looked at the controls, and found the button to open the door. You looked at the button, then back at Gabriel, nudging him and smirking. He held in a laugh as you said the following, "I can't find the button, dude!" Your acting was enough to convince him that the button was nowhere to be found. 

   "Well, keep looking because I don't wanna be stuck in here with you two fu- Ah!" You opened the door, interrupting Dariush's sentence as you and Gabriel bursted out with laughter, high-fiving each other. Dariush fell to the ground as Gabriel got out. 

   Dariush got back up and offered to help you, you took the offer just to be tricked into him yanking your arm and you landing on the floor. Now everyone was laughing, except Gabriel. He tried to make it seem like he was going wih the vibe of the group, "Dude, leave her alone," he said, adding a small laugh after that. A fake one...

   Once you all were back on your feet, you heard a snarl from the distance. You all looked in the direction of the snarl, and the large alien was coming your way. You all screamed, then ran away. Gabriel stumbled on his own feet, and you offered your hand for him to take. He grabbed your hand as you pulled him up to speed, catching him up with the rest of the group.

   "At what point do we trip the Zhenzhen and keep running?!" Dariush blurted out. Zhenzhen took offense to that comment, and made a face at him. The alien quickly caught up with the group, and pinned all five of them down with all the extra arms on its body. 

   The group shrieked in fear as the alien eyed all five of you, deciding to choose Dariush as his main target. Some sort of cord with spiky balls on it came out of its mouth, along with some black goo. The cord made its way to Dariush's mouth, forcing it down his throat. He started choking, and the kids screamed even more. 

   Dariush tried to breathe as much as he can, his hands clutching onto his neck. Miraculously, fighter jets shot the vicious creature down, causing it to fly back and retract its tongue. It lost its grip on all of you, allowing you to move freely. Dariush started to gasp for air.

   "I didn't sign up for this shit, man." He said as he got up. The group kept on moving. 

   "This can't be real," Gabriel said. "What do you mean this can't be real?! He just sneeze-jizzed all over us!" Dariush yelled back. "Just shut up, I can't think with your constant bitching!" Gabriel talked back. The two were once again arguing. 

   "Hey, I'm allowed to bitch, alright?" Dariush said as the group stopped to take a breath. "That thing had its tongue breathe IN MY MOUTH!" He finished his sentence, panting.

   Alex looked at him. "How do you know it was its tongue?"


   "We don't know their anatomy. Honestly, it's plausible that sophisticated creatures, like alien males have cranial genitalia." Alex told Dariush. He widened his eyes. "It had its dick in my mouth?" He asked, circling his finger around his lips. 

   "Yeah," Alex replied. 

   "Nuh-uh, man," Dariush said, disbelief written all over his face. 

   "Okay, we need to stay calm, alright?" Gabriel butted in. "Calm?" Dariush scoffed. "I just probably swallowed a load of alien babies that are gonna turn into puppies and leap out of my chest!" Dariush yelled.

   "I- I need to find my mom sh- she's gonna know what to do." Alex said. "If she's alive." Dariush said back. Alex pushed him. "Hey, don't say that!" But Dariush was ready to go down. "Hey, chances are our parents are gone, alright?!" He started to push and hit Alex back, and the freckled boy put his hands and one knee up in self-defense. 

   Gabriel pulled Dariush away from Alex. "Hey, what'd I say about touching that kid?" He said, in a slightly threatening voice. "What you gonna do?" Dariush picked yet another fight. "Gonna sucker-punch me again? Go for it, cuz I'll chop your ass in the neck, then chop you in the head, and finish you off with a rear-naked choke." He threatened Gabriel.

   Gabriel was getting pissed off. "Do you ever shut up? I mean, between my fist and that alien's dick, your mouth should be worn out by now." As the two were getting heated up, Zhenzhen suddenly yelled, and slapped all three of the boys on their left cheeks. You looked at her, eyes widened. You quietly clapped at her action.

   "Why are you hitting me?" Alex asked, in a slightly offended tone.

   "What we do in life... echoes in eternity." Zhenzhen said.

   "What the fu-" Dariush said as Zhenzhen picked up some gravel from the ground, slowly letting it go.

   "Hold the line! Stay with me. If you find yourself riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead." She finished her sentence, and all your eyes were widened. Your clap became much louder now, as you yelled "Yessir!"

   "Since when does she speak English?" Gabriel said, the group now walking forward again. 

   "Since when does she speak? Dariush said, following the group.


aaaaand that's another episode finished! :D sorry for any typos lolol. we're almost at 50 reads, the story's growing little by little! thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed! stay tuned for more updates ;)

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