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The group rode their bikes through an alleyway, taking a shortcut to the open road.

"How is your watch still working after the pulse?" Zhenzhen asked Alex.

"It's not electronic, it's mechanical," he replied. "Oh." The redhead had almost tripped on his bike, but quickly recovered. "It was my dad's. He, uh-" Alex was cut off by Zhenzhen. "Gave it to you?" She assumed. "Yeah, he gave it to me."

   You all turned right, exiting the alleyway amd entering the open road. You kept riding forward, but almost got hit by passing military cars. "Whoa!" Everyone got off their bike immediately, and started waving and yelling at the cars to come back.

   "Hey! Hey!" The group kept calling for the cars, removing their helmets. Another voice came behind them, a deep one.

   "Hey!" The voice yelled. "Stay where you are, do not move!" You all turned around, facing the voice. There were guns being pointed at all of you. You dropped your helmets and kept your hands high.

   "Same side, same side, same side!" Alex kept repeating as the soldiers came closer. One of them signaled to cease fire, and walked up to all of you.

   "Kids! Kids!" He yelled. "You should have evacuated hours ago, we're at war," he told you.

   "Sir, we were in the mountains when the attacks started," Alex said, keeping his arms raised. "Can you tell us what's going on? How big is the attack?"

   Dariush butted into the conversation. "Did it reach the nation's finest Mercedes dealership?" You all looked at him in disbelief.

   "What? Dude how can you-" Dariush interrupted Zhenzhen. "My dad owns it, I'm the future heir to that shit." "Shut up!"

   The soldier stopped the small talk between Zhenzhen and Dariush. "Look, all I can tell you is that you're not safe here. Everyone on the bus right now," he instructed, pointing his thumb toward the vehicle. "It'll take you to the evacuation center. Let's go."

   All five of you stopped him. "Woah, woah, hey, wait! Hey, stop!" The officer stopped.

   "What?" Alex took the key off his neck and gave it to the soldier. "You need to take this key to Pasadena," he said. The soldier looked at the key, then back at Alex.

   "Where'd you get this?" He asked.

   "An astronaut from the space station gave it to us," Zhenzhen told him.

   "She said we needed to take it to JPL," Gabriel said.

   "To a Dr. Fielding," you spoke.

   "What's on that key can stop the aliens," Dariush said.

   Alex summarized every sentence the group laid out and said to the soldier, "You need to get that to JPL in Pasadena to a Dr. Fielding," he said.

   The soldier kept looking at the key. "We've been receiving Morse code from a Dr. Fielding at JPL all day. Finding this key has been the primary objective." Your eyes lit up. "Thanks, kid. You may have just saved the world." Everyone smiled as soon as the soldier finished his sentence.

   "We'll take it from here. Move out, now!" He instructed the other soldiers. The group cheered.

   "We did it!" The kids kept celebrating, and walking to the bus. Another soldier high-fived all of you as you boarded the bus.

   "Yeah, we did it! Now, move your ass," Dariush said. You all sat down, you next to Gabriel, Alex in front of you, Zhenzhen beside him, and Dariush behind her.

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