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   "Who the hell is this?" Gabriel said to himself. He felt a wave of jealousy wash over him. Seeing you with another guy angered him.

Then again, it was another sign that you were alive. He didn't think twice, and sent it to a group chat with the three other kids.

 He didn't think twice, and sent it to a group chat with the three other kids

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   Confusion stirred in him. He wasn't sure if you were alive or not. The boy decided to fidget with the knife you gave him to lay off the stress. He had already learned 5 tricks.

"Gabriel, come eat your dinner!" His mother yelled from the kitchen. He stashed the knife away, and exited his room.

   Gabriel walked into the dining room, and took a seat in front of his meal. The boy rested his chin on his palm, and just stared down in front of him. He poked at his food, not bothering to eat it.

   "Hon, why aren't you eating? I made your favourite today," his mother said.

   He snapped back to reality. "Oh, uh- Sorry. Just thinking about something," he replied, taking a bite of his food.

   His mother sighed. "Does this have to do with that girl again? I know it's tough, but three months have already passed. Plus, you have school soon. You need to regain your focus."

   "But mom, my gut is telling me that she's alive! I even saw her once at the mall before, and I've seen her active on social media twice!" Gabriel said.

   "You know what? Enough. All of this is distracting you from everything! All you ever talk about is finding her again when you know she's dead!" His mother yelled.

   Gabriel bolted up, slamming his hands on the table. "She isn't dead! Why does everyone keep on saying that?!" The boy then stormed off to his room, leaving his plate on the table.

   He slammed the door behind him, and jumped down on his bed. The boy laid there, staring at the ceiling. He needed to find you, but didn't know how. Yet again, thoughts about you flooded into his mind. Gabriel opened up his camera roll, and scrolled until he found the old footage from June.

   Clicking on one of the videos, the boy turned to his side and covered himself with the blanket. He watched every single video taken during the invasion, including your goodbye video. 

   Tears fell down the side of his face as he screenshot the part where he kissed you. At least he stole a kiss from you before you disappeared. Suddenly, a knock could be heard on his door.

   "Gabriel? Can I come in?" His mother said through the door. The boy quickly wiped his tears and put his phone down.

   "Yeah, just come in," he answered in a sad tone. His mother opened the door, and sat down beside him.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now