b o n u s !

779 15 3

(in this chapter, you all are 19/20 years old)

   Summer came around, just like it always does. College for you wasn't easy, but it wasn't hard. You were busy organizing your room when you get a call from Gabriel.

Obviously, you picked up. "Hey, babe!"

"What's up, Y/N/N?" He greeted back.

"Oh nothing, just organizing a few things. Why?" You respond.

   "Well, Alex got a call from someone that works at the camp, and they needed volunteers!" He says.

   "Cool, you planning on going?" You ask.

   "Yeah, me, Dariush, Zhenzhen and Alex are going. We were hoping you were gonna join us?" He asked.

   "Hmm, I don't know." You reply.

   "Oh, come on, please? It'll be fun, nothing's gonna happen!" He tries persuading you.

   You think about it for a small while. Yes, you did have a traumatizing experience. But, good things came out of it, too.

After a small moment of silence, you finally make your choice.

"Okay, sure! When are we starting?" You ask.

"Yes!" He cheered. "We start on Monday."

Monday. Two days from now.

"Okay, I gotta go, bye! Love you!" He ended the call soon after that.

You go back to organizing your shitty room. As you dust your desk and fold your clothes, you start to bring back memories of the attack.

The dance party at the mall.

Zhenzhen drifting around the city.

Your first kiss.

Those times were magical, despite the fact that you could've died. You smile to yourself and put away your now folded laundry.


It's Sunday night. The five of you are already at the campsite. A wave of nostalgia hits you as you walk past the arch.

The drive there was...interesting, to say the least. Let's just say there was a lot of screaming, singing and laughing.

You're in the mess hall, along with the other staff members. You go over the scheduled events, and make a few friends.

After reviewing the schedule, you head to the staff cabin. There, you placed your bags and got your night clothes. After all, you needed a few hours of sleep before dealing with annoying children.

You get ready for the night, and hop into bed. Since everyone else was sleeping, you tried to keep very quiet.


   The next day rolls around. You feel someone shaking you awake.

   "Hey. Y/N. Wake up!" You hear a female voice say.

Your eyes flutter open, and you yawn. You rub your eyes, and look up to see Zhenzhen.

"Finally. Come on, the kids are already arriving!" She says to you.

"Alright, I'm up, I'm up! Lemme go get changed first." You respond in a sleepy tone.

After changing into the uniform, you head down to the cafeteria to greet your friends. You had already packed your own food, so you were good to go.


It's 12:30. You're helping out kids with putting on their harnesses for zip lining. At the top is Alex, who's making sure that the kids' harnesses were okay to zipline with.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now