t w e n t y

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-December 21st, 12:37 pm-

   Something felt...off. Adrien had recently been avoiding you. Whenever you tried to talk to him in the halls or in class, he would always give short answers. He wasn't as talkative with you, but he was just fine with the others.

   Adrien's behaviour towards you scared you, since you were worried he didn't like you anymore. Especially since you caught feelings for him months ago.

   Gabriel might have been your first kiss, but you were pretty sure that you weren't seeing him again. Even after you promised to search far and wide for him and the others.

It was the last day until Winter Break, and you were in the cafeteria, having lunch with your friends.

   "Guys," Xavier said. "My girlfriend's having a party at her house next week. Wanna come with?"

   "Sure. Is it her birthday?" You ask.

"It's four days until Christmas, you f*cking normie. It's obviously going to be a Christmas party!" Amelia says. The others giggled.

"Oh, right. Hah, sorry!" You reply. All of you chatted until the next bell rang. The five of you stood up from your lunch table, and went off to class.

Gabriel was eating his lunch with Zhenzhen, Alex and Dariush in the hallway. The four were discussing about what to do for the upcoming holiday, Christmas.

"So, what do you say? Christmas at mine?" Alex said. The others agreed, except for Gabriel.

"I really want to, but my mom's making me go to my cousin's party instead!" Gabriel said, feeling disappointed.

"Can't you just convince her to let you come with us?" Zhenzhen asked.

"Apparently, I can't. This is the first Christmas I'm spending with her after being in juvie." The tall boy replied.

"Oh. Well, that's okay. Maybe next year?" Alex suggested.

"Mm-mm, nuh-uh! We are going to spend the jolly times with Gabriel, and nothing will stop us!" Dariush proclaimed.

"Dariush, it's his family, for God's sake!" Zhenzhen said.

"Fine. Maybe ask if we can come with you?" Dariush suggested. The others seemed to like the idea.

"Alright, then. Don't blame me if you aren't going." Said Gabriel. Just then, the bell rang, indicating that their lunch break was over.

-after school-
Gabriel unlocked the door to his house, and entered, removing his shoes.

"Mom, I'm home!" He yelled.

"Hey, hun." His mother greeted him.

"Can I ask you a question?" Gabriel asked.

"Sure, what?" His mother replied.

"About the party.." Gabriel spoke. "Can Dariush, Zhenzhen and Alex come? Please?"

His mother seemed confused at first, but then she came up with an answer.

"That's only if Aunty lets you. It's not my party." She answered.

Gabriel sighed. "Oh, okay."

-the next day i am so sorry-
Gabriel was in his room, doing nothing. The boy went on his phone, and scrolled through social media.

He heard a knock on the door. "Can I come in?"

It was his mother, and he let her in. Gabriel sat back down on his bed, while his mother was holding her hand in her phone.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now