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The group was sound asleep, and you happened to wake up before the others. You got up, looked around, and it was still dark, probably 5 in the morning.

You noticed the positions everyone was sleeping in. Zhenzhen and Alex facing each other, and Dariush cuddling Gabriel.

You smirked and took your camera out, recording all of them sleeping. The footage lasted about four seconds before something crashed, causing all of you to flinch. The four kids in bed woke up, while you quickly turned the camera off.

Zhenzhen immediately shushed everyone, before mouthing "aliens". Everyone looked at each other, quietly panting from the shock that the crash gave them.

"We gotta go," Gabriel whispered. Everyone got out of bed, and changed back into the clothes they were wearing the other day.

You all exited the house, going through the sheets that were hung up before the apocalypse happened.

"You see anything?" Dariush asked, whispering. "No, come on," Gabriel responded to him. Everyone kept pushing the already dried sheets to the side, checking to see if anyone or anything was there. Feeling endangered, you took out your alarm keychain, just in case.

"Guys, we should turn back," Alex suggested. "We can't now, man. We're already here," Dariush disagreed with him. "Dude, I'm telling you, this is how people die in movies!" Alex whisper yelled at Dariush.

The kids kept investigating the area, when suddenly, you were pulled aside, nobody noticing you. A hand was kept on your mouth, and you tried to remove it. With your other hand, you were trying to pull the trigger that sounded the alarm.

"You need some Febreeze on these sheets," Dariush said. As he said that, you finally succeded in signaling the others that you were in danger.

"Hey, isn't that Y/N's alarm?" Zhenzhen asked the group. "Oh my god, you're right!" Gabriel said, panicking. Dariush pulled back one of the sheets, revealing a creepy horse statue.

"Shit," he whispered, before noticing the man with a shotgun behind the statue. The man cocked the gun, along with multiple other men that started to surround them.

"Oh, shit!" Dariush yelled. The other kids exclaimed in fear, raising their arms. Your alarm was still sounding, and it came from somewhere in front of them.

"Not another step," one of the masked men said. "Move!" Another one said.

"I'm backing up!" Dariush told them, as the others did the same.

"The hell you doing out here? We're in the middle of an alien invasion." One of them said.

"Yeah, I mean, and you're the ones with the Purge masks. Wrong genre, bro," Dariush said, the guns now being pointed at him.

"Oh, we got a comedian here?" The kids shook their hands at the men, telling them not to shoot him.

"There are aliens out here, okay? We're not the enemy!" Gabriel slightly yelled at them.

"You guys have something we're looking for," a man said. "..and we have something you're looking for."

He signaled the man that was holding you to come in. You were shaking and tearing up at the sight of your friends again. The alarm in your hands was still sounding, and you managed to keep both pieces in your hand.

"Holy shit, Y/N!" Gabriel yelled. The others started to call your name out in worry. "Guys!" You yelled out, the hand on your mouth muffling your cries.

The group was panicking, telling the armed men to let you go. They argued back, threatening them.

That's when a man walked in, saying, "Everybody calm down." All the attention was pointed at him now.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now