t w e l v e

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"I love you too, Y/N."

Your body was aching in pain as you walked away from the dangerous building. You didn't think about chasing after the truck, the aching in your body held you back.

   It had been another hour already, and you reached a partially destroyed hospital. It was dangerous, but you headed inside.

   "Hello?" You called out. "Is anyone here? I need help!"

   The place was deserted, and nobody was there, as you thought. You kept on trying, calling out so a person could hear you. No luck. Your body was desperate to get some rest, so you sat on one of the waiting room chairs.

   You started to think, and the four of your other friends was the first thing that came into mind. How are they doing? Did they see the video you took? You had so many questions. The thought of all your friends drove you to tears. Hopefully they were okay.

   "Okay, that's enough rest," you said to yourself, getting up. You wiped your tears, and walked out of the hospital.

   About 30 minutes on the road, your stomach growled. The backpack you had was gone, Alex had already took it. That didn't stop you from walking forward.

*around 2 hours later*

   You kept on walking until you were in a neighbourhood. Feeling desperate, you checked if anyone was around.

   You called out again, "Hello?"

   Walking around and knocking on the doors, you were exhausted. You kept on looking, until one door suddenly opened.

   The door revealed a woman, probably in her mid 30s. "Who are you?" She asked.

   You were shocked to find someone actually in their house. "I'm- I'm Y/N. I need help, can you help me?" You asked.

   "Ma, who's that?" Another voice called. A girl your age ran to the door. She noticed you, and whispered to her mother. You couldn't understand anything they were saying, it was all in Spanish.

   Another girl came to the door. She was also the same as you. "Are you okay?" The girl asked.

   "Not really. An alien cut my back," you answered.

   "Oh my goodness, are you feeling alright? Here, we'll help you," the lady said.

   "What? No!" One girl said.

   "She needs help, mija," her mother said to her.

   The rest of the conversation was in Spanish. They were arguing until the other girl spoke.

   "Amelia, just let her in. She's hurt," the girl said.

   "Ugh, fine. You better not be faking," she said to you in a threatening tone.

   Regardless of her behaviour, you thanked them, and they helped you in. Well, two of them helped you in. The Amelia girl went back to her room.

   The two other girls who helped you put you on the couch. "Oh, I'm sorry," you said as you were bleeding on their couch.

   "No, no, it's fine! You're hurt, dear," the lady said. "Let me get the first-aid kit. Talk to my daughter while you wait!"

   The woman left to get the first-aid kit. The other girl sat beside you. "I'm Hailey. What's your name?" She asked.

   "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you," you said, shaking her hand. The girl smiled at you. "You have a pretty name," she said.

   "Thanks," you said back.

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