t w e n t y - o n e

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The tall boy looked over in the direction of the familiar figure, and soon realized it was you. The girl he saved the world with. The girl whose kiss he stole. The girl considered to be his first love.

"Y/N?" Gabriel stood up, and followed you. He wanted to make sure it was you.

"Gabriel, where the hell are you going?" Dariush asked.

"Did he just say Y/N?" Alex asked.

Gabriel ran up the stairs, trying to catch up with you. You turned a corner, and he couldn't see you anymore.

Desperate to find you, Gabriel checked every room upstairs. He needed to see you again. At the same time, Zhenzhen, Alex and Dariush were following him upstairs.

You were looking around, trying to find where the bathroom was. Suddenly, a door to one of the rooms opened, and you were dragged in.

The door shut, and you were trying to determine where you were. The lights were off, and you were terrified.

"What the f*ck? Let me out!" You yelled, trying to look for the door.

Right on cue, the lights turned on. You looked around, and saw Adrien by the light switch.

"Adrien, what are you doing?" You ask.

"Sit down, I need to talk to you." Adrien said, pointing to one of the chairs. You sat down, and you were curious on why you were here.

"Adrien, this is so unlike you! What is going on? Why haven't you been talking to me?" You asked. Adrien walked up to you.

"Look, Y/N. I've been hiding this from you for too long. Figured this would be the right time to tell you." He said. You were confused.

Adrien took a deep breath, and spoke again. "Ever since the day we went to the secret garden together, I just knew you were the one. It was love at first sight for me. Your charming personality, your stunning looks, everything about you is attractive to me. I know you might still have feelings for that guy, but I wanted to tell you befor-"

He was cut off by you kissing him. Adrien's eyes went wide, but they gradually closed as he kissed you back.

   The door opened, but you didn't notice. You were lost in the moment you were sharing with Adrien. Gabriel, who had opened the door, took a look around the place, and finally found you.

   Joy surged through his body, he had finally found you. Unfortunately, that surge was only for a split-second, as he had realized that you were kissing another boy.

He wanted to go in there and seperate you two, but Gabriel decided to just leave you alone. The boy closed the door silently, and walked away in gloom.

Right as he was approaching the stairs, he bumped into the other three. He looked up, trying to hide the fact that something was wrong.

"Gabriel, where were you?" Zhenzhen asked. Gabriel tried to think of an answer.

"Oh, uh, I was in the bathroom." He lied.

You broke the kiss between you and Adrien, smiling afterwards. Adrien had a pretty shocked look on his face. He couldn't believe that you felt the same way.

"You.. like me back?" He asked.

"Well, duh! I liked you since the day you saved me." You replied.

Adrien grinned. "So... does that mean we're dating now?"

You nodded, and went in for another kiss. It lasted about 4 seconds until you broke it again.

ilyt; rotw ff (gabriel x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now