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"No," Alex said, determined.

"What did you say, son?" General Khoury asked.

"I said no," Alex responded. "I made a promise I wouldn't let anything stop me. So I'm gonna keep trying, and it will be a lot easier if you would help me."

The general looked at him. Alex continued, "We didn't come all this way to give up now. We're done being told what we can and can't do." By this point, the group had come back.

"We made it across half of Southern California, past aliens and soldiers," Alex said.

Dariush interrupted him, "A diddler! Don't forget about the diddler."

"All the way here. Nobody helped us get here. All we had was each other!" Alex kept talking. "So you're gonna listen to me, because we're not kids anymore, and we're the best chance you've got. I'm going omto ask you one more time, General. What do we need to do to get this thing working?" Alex spoke with confidence.

There was a small patch of silence until the General answered his question. "Alright, someone needs to go to the basement and fire up the emergency generators. Start them in sequence, exactly four seconds apart. Send your fastest, strongest-" The general was suddenly interrupted.

"I'll do it!" Zhenzhen said.

"I-I'm sorry, that sounded like a young girl," Khoury said.

"Oh, yeah! Aliens don't stand a chance against her!" Dariush said.

"Alright, you need to climb through the vent. The vault door won't open until the power is back on," The general continued.

"Got it."

"Look.. you're not safe at JPL," The general kept on talking, but you couldn't keep up. The blood loss was getting to you. Out the corner of your eye, you saw Zhenzhen and Alex talking. Of course you couldn't hear, but you silently fangirled when Zhenzhen kissed Alex's cheek. Zhenzhen ran off, and you were now able to process some words in your head.

"What are we doing? What is Excalibur?" Gabriel asked the General.

"Excalibur was a Cold War defense project. It was meant to shoot down Russian missiles," General Khoury answered.

"Yeah, using fusion pumped X-ray lasers, I read about that," Alex butted in.

"Never mind him, he knows everything. Keep going," Dariush told the General.

The General continued, "The key that Major Collins gave you contains the coordinates of the alien mothership in high orbit.

"We can destroy the mothership," Gabriel said.

"Yeah, no shit," You said back, still feeling a bit drowsy.

"You're our last hope," the General said.

"Okay, what else do we need to do to get this shit started?" Dariush asked.

"You need to realign the satellite dish on the roof, then get a working computer and load the coordinates Major Collins gave you. Then activate Excalibur," General Khoury instructed.

"Alright, I'll go to the roof," Gabriel said.

"No, Gabriel," Alex stopped him. "You guys load the programs, I'll go to the roof. Plus, she's hurt and you two are the only ones keeping her alive." Alex put the key down on the table.

"What are you talking about, Alex? You're afraid of heights!" Dariush said.

"Yeah, I'm not saying we don't believe in you, but we're scared you'll get hurt as well," you said.

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