[C40] moving on

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< Tommy's POV: >

"Jaime?! What the fuck!" I say as I get up and run after Maeve who has just seen things that shouldn't have happened in the first place. I was too late though, her already out the door and driving away. Tubbo standing confused.

"What the actual hell? You can't come here to say I'm sorry then kiss me. It doesn't work like that!" I say upset to the girl with a smug look on her face behind me.

"I-I'm sorry, truly I didn't know what got into me." She says the smug look slowly turning into a concerned one, "Was that Maeve?"

"Yes. Yes, it fucking was. Why did you kiss me? I just told you what was going on between her and me." I sighed, "You should probably go." I say firmly

"Tommy- we weren't done talking."

"The moment you kissed me meant we were done. Please leave."

[ 5 days later: ]

I sat on my desk chair, slowly editing tomorrow's video. Maeve and I haven't spoken much. Just a few "wyd," or, "u up?" It's like the moment things are getting good and we're ready to talk things through, something fucks it up. Then we end up having this awful tension between us and stop talking for a while. I hate it so much. All I want is to be with the girl I've loved since I was 16.

Nothing seems to make sense when it comes to my relationship with her because everything gets fucked somehow. And man It only gets worse from here.

I went down to the kitchen to grab a snack, hearing Tubbo and Freddie discuss party ideas.

"Who's the party for?" I ask them

"Oh... About that, Tommy the party's for Maeve." Tubbo says slowly

"Cool! What's it for exactly?" I say happy for Maeve

"He doesn't know, does he?" Freddie says to Tubbo

"I don't know what?" I say getting concerned

"Tommy... Maeve got promoted, her job requires her to be living in America though. She's moving back..." Toby says with a sincere face.

"What? You're joking. Not funny guys, what's the party really for?" I say not wanting to believe them

"We aren't joking, she was gonna tell you soon but she's been having a hard time figuring out how..." Freddie explained

The smile on my face disappeared, I don't want to believe them. I excused myself and went back up to my room. Looking for Maeve's contact and calling her.

"Hey Tommy," She answered

"You're moving?" I start to say, "You're going back to Florida?"

"How? I- I'm sorry Tommy, I should have told you sooner. Yes, I am, but-"

"You're moving."

"Please Tommy-"

"Why didn't you tell me right away? When are you leaving?"

"Soon, few weeks. Selling the house and everything."


"I'm so sorry Tommy."

"Don't apologize, I'm shocked, but I'm happy for you. Toby told me you got promoted... Good on you!" I say trying to sound cheerful, "D-do you need help with anything?"

"Yeah... I need help packing my things. You don't need to help if you don't want to."

"I will, I can't let you leave without helping you or spending time with you. I understand things are a bit weird between us but please, I can't let you go without a bye o-or something..."

"Tomorrow, around 2? I'm really sorry."

"Stop apologizing, I'll be there."

I hang up, an overwhelming feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. I'm happy for her, I'm glad she got promoted. Despite the hard conversation we just had, I know she's happy. Or at least I hope she is. I heard a knock on my door, Tubbo standing there with food in his hand.

"Eryn ordered us food, I thought you'd want to eat up here?"

"Yeah, thanks," I say as he hands me the bag.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, it wasn't right for me to. You could help us with the party if you'd like. You know her better than any of us do."

"Sure, I'll be down after I finish this."

"Alright see you in a bit," Tubbo says as he closes the door.

I continued to edit, eating my dinner while at it. No matter how zoned in I was to editing, all I could think about was Maeve. Maybe I'm being selfish but, I don't want her to move back. What if we fade away again? I don't want that. I can't have another 2 years of Maeve and I not talking. I promise to be here with her through everything. And I don't intend to break that promise.

The next day I went over to Maeve's place, walking up to the house and knocking on the front door. Maeve welcoming me in. I looked around her home to see all the Christmas decorations gone.

"So you're really going?" I say to Maeve trying to not seem upset

"Yup, gonna be staying with Clay until I get my apartment in Florida."

"When are you leaving exactly?"

"January 20th."

"Holy shit, that's in 10 days."


"Well let's get to packing then, right?" I say putting on a smile

"mhm, yea..." She smiled back

We started in her studio, rolling up all the back covers and technology in that room. Carefully putting everything away in boxes. It felt as if there were magnets in between us repelling each other. Neither one of them being able to get close to each other. Where I went she was opposite. We didn't talk much, honestly wouldn't even know what to say.

We let the music fill the silence of the room. After a few hours of packing, we got most of the rooms packed and boxes stacked downstairs. Only the main floor and her bedroom still needing to be put into boxes.

"Would you be down to help tomorrow too?" Maeve asks me as we sat in her kitchen

"Of course. What's gonna happen with all your furniture?"

"Selling it, putting it in storage. That type of deal."

"You need help moving those too?"

"I think I'll be okay, a few of the moving crew are gonna carry them away. Sometime tomorrow or the day after."

"When do you have to leave the house?"

"Three days before, I think I'll just crash at the hotel until my flight."

"You can stay at my place if it's less of a hassle."

"Actually yeah, that'll be quite helpful."

Maeve and I talked until the sun started to set, It was nice. She wouldn't look at me though, she was trying to avoid eye contact. I get how things are, but why does it seem like we won't ever come back from this? I hate to be negative but what if she leaves and that's the end of it. No more different timezone facetimes, no more late-night calls, none of that. No "how are you" or, "you wanna hang out?"

Am I about to lose my best friend?

Published: 12/28/20
Oh god, I'm so afraid y'all aren't gonna like this ending coming up. But I'm so in love with it. Gonna do an epilogue and an alternate ending at the end of the story. Also started writing the next Tommy x OC. I'm so excited.

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