[C38] a lonely new year

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< 3rd Person POV: >

The next day, Maeve woke up to 1 miss call from Tommy and 2 text messages. Neither one of them acknowledging Maeve's past text that she thought went through. She sat up on her bed, the humid Florida air coming through her slightly opened window. She got up and closed it shut, looking out to see George and Dream messing around with Nick.

She looked through her closet to see not a single hoodie. Searching through her luggage she found Tommy's mogul hoodie. Crap didn't mean to pack this with me, she whispered to herself. She made use of it and put it on, she walked down the stairs being greeted by patches and Alyssa.

"Morning Maeve!" Alyssa said cheerfully

"Morning," Maeve yawned

Last night Alyssa and Maeve caught up, talking about their lives. Work, Drama, Relationships. All of it. Alyssa knows everything about Tommy and Maeve's relationship. Just now as Maeve tells Alyssa what happened, she was ready to make a move on the boy. But Maeve stopped her, not wanted to tamper with anything. Instead, the two girls talked about new years and the upcoming party.

Meanwhile, Tommy and his housemates are planning their new year's party. Catering to the DJ, they planned it all. Inviting whoever they'd like. In the back of Tommy's mind was Maeve, wondering if she's doing okay and if she misses him as much as he misses her.

December 31st came rather quickly, neither Maeve nor Tommy bringing up the letter. Maeve chose to ignore the fact Tommy didn't reply to her text. Thinking he probably just didn't see it. Tommy being sure he threw the letter away not knowing Maeve somehow got ahold of it.

Maeve and Tommy were on a call a few hours before Maeve's new year's party began. Both of them dressed up and looking lavish as always.

"You're looking quite lovely tonight Tommy," Maeve said through the facetime call.

"I'm wearing the outfit you told me to wear."

"I know, that's why I said you look lovely!"

Tommy wore his pink shirt with black ripped jeans and classic vans.

"I don't know how to feel about these jeans." Tommy pointed out

"You're just lucky I didn't make you wear something fancier."

"Well, how about you, did you wear the outfit I suggested?"

"No of course not." Maeve laughed, "you wanted me to wear sweatpants and your mogul hoodie.

"listen. I thought it looked quite cool!"

"No, I'm wearing a dress, which I don't know if I like..." Maeve says placing her phone against her monitor and backing away to show Tommy her whole outfit.

Tommy looked at the girl through the call, her hair curled nicely, lashes curled and dark, her makeup done lightly. She wore a light blue plaid dress with a light blue cardigan covering her shoulders. Tommy noticed the necklace she wore, the one he had given her.

"Nice necklace," Tommy said smiling

"Yeah thanks," she chuckled lightly, "you think the dress is too much?"

"No, you look stunning." He meant it

"Thanks innit, I gotta go, text me later."

"Will do, Have fun." It's almost midnight for Tommy, sitting in his room rather than downstairs to where the party was popping off. Maeve's time still 6 hours away until midnight. Tommy decided to go down for the last hour.

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