[C33] big s

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< Maeve's POV: December 22 >

"The rest of the family's coming tomorrow, so we gotta do everything we want to today before my family wants to join in on everything," Tommy explained to me

"Alright so, we'll go ice skating, double-check for gifts, and?"

"See Santa!" Tommy suggests

"Bitch what?"

"See Santa, what's so weird about that?"

"Tommy you wanna see Santa?!"

"yeah? why not??"

"You're like triple the height of a child."


"You know what, we'll go meet Santa."

I laugh oddly at the boy, why would he want to meet Santa?! This isn't even for content or anything. We got ready and headed out the door, bundled up in our jackets. Tommy drove us to the nearest mall which had a meeting Santa area and an ice skating rink.

Tommy has millions on millions of followers, it was so difficult not causing a scene. We managed though after his fans on Twitter started saying things like, "let them enjoy without distractions," and "please leave them be." It was nice of them but we didn't mind all the fans coming up to Tommy in the first place.

We first went to Santa, turns out Tommy was doing a little story highlights on his insta, we got in the line. Adults looking at us. I mean there wasn't any age maximum anywhere... So this may be odd but they never said we couldn't.

Tommy posted multiple things on his story as we waited for our turn, the first one is a video of us walking to Santa, the next in line, and a close up shot of his face.

"I can't believe I'm hanging out with a grown child," I say to him not knowing that he was filming. He scuffed and shook his head, he ended up posting the clip on his story too. A few years back, whenever we had any social interaction. The fans weren't too crazy, but now it's just a whole mess.

Tommy and I are just friends. Nothing more. But his fans love to theorize. While most of them are super respectful and kind with our privacy, there are a few that go all out. Being a photographer and not a content creator means you don't have a stable fanbase, you could say my fans piggyback off of others I'm friends with.

Anyways, Tommy's turn comes up and he handed me his phone to film it. I watched Tommy walk up to the pretend Santa and sit on his lap. What the hell. I couldn't hold back my laughs for the boy telling Santa what he wants. These people need a pay raise.

Tommy and the Santa took a picture then he left the area, going up to the cashier to pay for his photos.

"I called him big S and he fucking stared at me for a good few seconds." Tommy laughed as he walked to me.

"You're so embarrassing to be around."

"But you still hang out with me."

"Not that I have any other option."

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"Nothing nothing... let's go ice skating!"

Tommy half-assed edited the video I took of him meeting Santa and posted it on his insta story as we walked to the ice skating rink. When we got there, we paid for our skates and got them on.

"I'm gonna fall so many times," I say while I tied my laces

"You know how to skateboard this won't be far different, plus you're like 4'6 if you fall it won't hurt," Tommy says back at me

"IM 5'7!! Plus skateboarding is so different from ice skating."

"I think you'll do just fine. If anything I'm gonna fall a lot more."

"We'll see about that," I say getting up and helping Tommy stand up as well. Both of us wobbling to the rank.

One foot after the other, we successfully got onto the ice without falling. Now, this is where the hard part comes. I've had some experience but not enough to help Tommy out. I somehow kept my balance and started to glide on the ice. Tommy on the other hand...

"MAEVE MAEVE GIVE ME YOUR HAND," Tommy says about to fall

I quickly skate to him and let him use my hands to keep balance. There's that feeling again...

"I do not like this," Tommy says trying to gain his balance

"You'll get the hang of it."

"and you said you would be falling."

"I'm a natural!"

Tommy's holding both my hands, he gained his balance then started to walk on the ice. I skated backward trying to help him. After a while, he got the hang of it and he let go of my hands but falling immediately after.

"Oh, fucking hell." He said as he falls ass first on the ice.

I tried to hold back my laugh but let it out as Tommy tries to get up but fails miserably. I try to help him up but end up falling myself as well.

"goddamnit." I laugh

I pick myself up then try to help Tommy up again. This time we were successful. We started skating as we did before but instead of letting go of both of my hands, I only let go of one. He used my left hand as his balance in case he tumbles over again. We skated around the rank a few laps, Christmas music played around the area.

Ice skating with Tommy is one of those things where you never want it to end but you get tired so it has to. Tommy held my hand the entire time, only letting go once we had to remove our skates.

We checked that he had presents for everyone in his family. I bought a few things too for his family solely because they were kind enough to let me be here for Christmas.

We got back to the house and were completely worn out. I changed into more comfortable clothes then slumped onto Tommy's bed as usual.

Tomorrow's gonna be a hell of a day, gotta enjoy this time while I have it.

Published: 12/14/20
I don't like this chapter very much but it's just filler so it's okay. I have plans for another Tommy x oc after this one already so I'm very excited to write that! Also for the ending of this story, you guys want a generic classic ending or a kinda sad but worth it ending?

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