[C2] her pc

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< Maeve's POV: June 19 >

It's been a few days since Clay offered to get me a new PC, he ordered the parts the day of and all of them arrived today. I told clay that since he bought the stuff, I'll build it. Now I may not know how to, but a few YouTube videos and I'll be a pro at it.

All the boxes stacked up next to my desk, I sit on my bed and open my laptop. I watch three YouTube tutorials all 20 minutes each. "I can do this, it's so simple," I say to myself.

Clay knew that no matter how much he says he'll do it for me, I won't let him. And I mean come on it can't be that hard, it's a PC. I've watched three videos, more than enough knowledge.

I tie my hair up and place my laptop on the floor, I sit on my carpet and start to open the boxes. I play my chill playlist while making sure I have all the parts, looking at the checklist I made on my laptop.

I open the step by step article and follow it... the first few steps were fairly easy for me to follow. But once it got to the motherboard, I blanked. I don't want clay to help since I don't want him to say, "I told you so." Sooooo I asked the next best person, Tommy!

Tommy and I have been dm'ing back and forth since his stream. I've played a few games of among us with him and his friends off streams. He's actually a pretty chill guy. I go on Twitter and send him a dm,

- Twitter DM's -
Left Tommy, Right Maeve

you know how to build a PC right?

oh ofc
i built mine all by myself

are you busy by any chance?

I'm free, why?

can you pleaseeee help me build my PC

isn't Dream there?

yeah but i don't want him to
know i can't do it

lol okay sure, i don't have my
pc open rn so facetime?

ooo yes pls my number's
*phone number*

okay give me a sec

— — — — — —

After a min or two of waiting, I get a FaceTime call from an unsaved phone number. I made sure I look decent realizing this is the first time Tommy will see my face.

I answer the call and see British boy's face pop up.

"Hi" I smiled

"Hello Maeve"

< Tommy's POV >

A girl with green eyes and blond hair shows on my screen. Her lashes perfectly curled and lips pink. She's stunning...

"Hi," she says smiling

"Hello Maeve." I smile back, "so what do you need help on?"

She told me where she left off. I helped her with the rest, telling her where to put what and how to put it in. She only really needed help figuring out where to put the parts. I watch her concentrate trying to fix the cables. I found myself smiling, looking at her face.

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