[C9] july 7th - part 1

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"The gremlin child"
< Maeve's POV: >

"I know you're in the UK Maeve," Tubbo says through the phone

"WHAT? Of course not."

"You can't lie to me." he laughs

"I hate you toby, you're too smart."

"aww thanks. But you are in the UK right?"


I have no clue how tubbo found out, we were just talking on the phone when he suddenly brings it up. Since he knew, I told him the plans today. He was very excited, he even told me he was jumping around. Glad I have a friend like tubbo. I guess since he knows now it won't be much of a surprise besides for Tommy.

I shrugged it off and said bye to tubbo, hanging up the call. It's 8:45 AM, we're meeting up at 9:35 at the pier to have breakfast all together.

I took a shower, fixed my hair, and chose an outfit. Sapnap wasn't feeling too well today so he decided to stay back.

Around 9:16 Clay, George, and I were all ready to go. I looked at myself through the mirror one last time making sure I look good. I wore a yellow tied cardigan over a white cropped top, blue Jean shorts, and my white Air Force. I matched it with gold accessories.

My hair was wavy and parted down the middle, my backpack hanging by my shoulders. Inside was my wallet and camera. My phone in my back pocket.

We headed out the door and drove to the pier...

< Tommy's POV >

FINALLY MEETING UP WITH THE BOYS. Frankly, I'm kind of nervous, but my parents trusted me to stay back so it's me and tubbo with everyone else.

All of us were in a circle group type of thing on the pier. It's 9:30 and we're all just talking. It's quite early and some of us, ahem tubbo, haven't fully woken up yet.

Right now it's me, tubbo, Dave, Charlie, Lauren, Wilbur, philza, his wife, and later Niki and fundy.

"Tubbo why are you filming?" I ask him looking at him weirdly, yeah I'm doing a vlog but we're all just catching up right now.

"He's doing you a service Tommy" I heard a voice said... it sounded like Maeve's. I turn around and see the blond walking toward us, George and what I'm guessing is dream behind her.

I smile, "Maeve?!"

"TOMMAYYY." She says running up to me and hugging me. I hugged her back noticing our height difference.

"God you're short."

"Shut up."

In the corner of my eye, I can see Wilbur and tubbo giggling while looking at Maeve and me. We pull away and I say hi to George and dream too.

"Wow dream, I didn't expect you to look like that."

"What hot?" He laughs

"No, uh how do I say this nicely... uh squidish."


They all say hi to everyone else too. I can't believe it, Maeve is right in front of me. She looks even more beautiful than she does on FaceTime. The greetings end and we're having breakfast at a small restaurant.

"So how long are you guys staying in the UK?" I ask them while eating my pancakes.

"3 weeks, Sapnap's here too but he wasn't feeling too well today," Maeve replies

"Oh cool, wait so you'll be here for your birthday?"

"Yeah!" She smiles

This is gonna be a good month. After finishing up breakfast, we went to an arcade and played some games. The group kind of split up, philza and Wilbur went to go play deal or no deal, George and dream went to play a shooting game. And me, tubbo, and Maeve found ourselves at a racing game.

"Okay, us three, whoever loses has to pay for our ice creams later," Maeve says

"Ooo ice cream, deal. Tommy you in?" Tubbo asks

"Fine fine."

We all get in our car simulators and set up the game. Making sure we're all connected. The count down begins and I was immediately struck with some type of lightning in the game before even running off.

We get to the last round, all of us racing to the finish line. Maeve and tubbo yelling laughing, random people staring at us. I laugh along with them. tubbo ended up getting 1st and Maeve getting 2nd.

"oh come on guys, that's not fair," I say

"free ice creams for toby and I!" Maeve exclaims

I roll my eyes at them as we head to the ticket shop. They didn't want anything so I just got two nerf guns and a yo-yo. We met up with Wilbur and the rest of the gang there. Maeve's been helping me film for the vlog.

Fundy and Niki won't be here until later so we all went over to Wilburs home. Tubbo, Maeve, and I rode with dream and George in his car. The ride was nice, it wasn't too long since Wilbur lived near.

The entire ride, dreams been looking back at us. At one point Maeve put her head on my shoulder since she was tired, Dream glared at me. Luckily the ride ended before the looks got awkward. We all went in and Wilbur gave us a tour.

< Maeve's POV: >

Dave and Tommy somehow got Wilburs wallet and find his office key. Being the sneaky little shits we are, we left wilburs home and walked to his office without the rest of the gang realizing.

When we got to the office, Tommy walked in and immediately went for his desk. Opening his computer and getting on twitch.

Dave and I sat on the wall watching the gremlin child boot up twitch and start streaming.

I couldn't stop laughing the entire time.


"What the fuck you got two?!"

"Yeah, backup in case I lose the other one."

"You're stupid."

"Sorry I don't talk to short people."


I took Tommy's other already opened vlog gun and its bullets. I loaded it in, pulling the trigger back, and aim for his head. Not actually trying to hit him. But when I shot it, Tommy got hit right on his shoulder.

"Oh you did not just shoot me," Tommy said

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to," I said laughing

"I mean this in the meanest way possible, you fucked up," Tommy said getting up

"TOMMY STOP YOU'RE STREAMING, I DIDNT THINK IT WOULD HIT YOU!" I said running out of the office.

"What the fuck?!" I heard a voice behind me say

I turned around to see Wilbur and tubbo.

"Oh hehe hi wilburrrrr..." I laugh nervously



Published: 11/08/20
ended up doing 2 parts, I know George can't drive. But let's just pretend he can. Also in this story, Tommy lives near Brighton and not 4 hours away. The friends don't lie thing didn't happen. So this is George and dream's first time meeting up. Hopefully, this doesn't confuse anyone. <3

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