[C28] let it snow

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< Maeve's POV: December 11 >

"And we got that huge fucking tree!" Tommy said excitedly, he's currently showing me around their home. The boys and he decorated their entire house for Christmas. They have like 3 different trees around the house! It's so funny to see Tommy so excited about this.

"And then we got the stockings, I started Christmas shopping already. I'm so good with gifts." Tommy says flipping the camera around so it's his face now.

"Oh god, please tell me you haven't gotten my gift yet."

"Technically I already bought it, I just gotta pick it up."

"Tommy I'm awful with gifts."

"It's fine, I like giving gifts. Honestly, you don't even need to get me a gift."

"I'm gonna get you a gift." I sighed laughing a bit.

"Well how about your house? You decorated yet?" Tommy asks

"No, I don't think I'm going to. Since I'll be in Florida for most of the holidays there's no point."

"Are you insane? It's Christmas dipshit. You have to decorate!!"

"Even if I wanted to, I don't have any decorations."

"We're gonna change that. I'll see you in a bit."


"You'll see." He says hanging up on me.

What is this boy planning?? I ignored the gremlin and went to play with milo. Letting her rest on my lap, petting her. I go through my phone, the soft purrs of my cat telling me she'll be falling asleep soon. I ended up staying in that position, not wanting to move or else it'll wake milo up.

An hour passes and I hear someone knock on the door. Shit, I don't wanna get up. I tried my best to get milo off of me without waking her up. Luckily my cat's wayy too heavy of a sleeper to be interrupted. She laid on the couch sleeping peacefully.

I went to open the door, Tommy standing there holding a box, "so I heard you didn't decorate your house?"

"Tommy, what's in that box?" I ask letting him in.

"Christmas decorations! Oh, and I got you a tree but it's fake. Hold on let me get it." Tommy says placing the box down and went out the door again. Why do I like him?

He walks back in holding a even longer box, inside was tree parts. One we'll have to put together.

"Let's get to decorating eh?" Tommy says happily

"You love the holiday season dont you?"

"Yeah, very much so."

I played some Christmas music and Tommy and I got to work. I rather not argue with him, I mean Christmas decorations would be nice. He seems happy so why not. Milo wakes up from our loud singing, walking away from us, and going up the stairs.

The song baby it's cold outside starts to play and Tommy and I duets it.

"I really can't stay."

"Baby it's cold outside..."

"I gotta go away."

"Baby it's cold outside..."

This entire moment feels like something straight out of a movie. A cliche Christmas love story. God, I hate how cheesy this is... but I'm enjoying it. Tommy starts to sing with all his power, going on the vocals making me laugh my heart away.

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