[C8] flights

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< Maeve's POV: July 3rd >

"Oh I would love to meet up with Maeve, but you know she lives in America and I'm in the UK." Tommy laughs talking to his stream.

He was talking about how the gang is planning to meet up, I tuned into his stream while starting to pack. I had a duffel bag, a large suitcase, and a small carry on backpack ready.

"So yeah some of us are meeting up real soon! My dad and I are leaving tomorrow so probably no stream." He chuckles

Oooo Tommy just you wait, I'm so excited. I created a list of things I need to bring. We'll be there for three weeks, I'll regret forgetting something. Tommy ended his stream around his 1:30 mark, I got a good amount done. More than half at least.

I took a break and went to bother Clay, I put my ear to his office door checking to see if he's streaming.

"Sapnap!? You can't say that!"

He's either filming a video or streaming, I took a chance and barged in. Scaring him.

"Maeve! What the fu-freak." He wheezes

"You're streaming?"



"George and sapnap say hi."

"Hello, gogy and Snapchat. I just came to annoy you but looks like they got you occupied already." I say looking at the two Minecraft players punching each other.

"They're a handful."

"I can tell."


[ July 5th - 5:26 AM ]

Clay and I are doing our last checks up around the house and our things, patches is staying with Alyssa while we're away. Clay had one suitcase and a backpack, while I had the same but with a duffel bag too. Clay had given me some of his things to put in my bag since he didn't want to bring too much luggage.

I had my camera, chargers, phone, wallet, extra battery, laptop, and journal in my carry on bag. Everything else stuffed in my duffel and suitcase.

The flight is 8 hours, so if leave around 6 we'll arrive at 9 pm in Brighton. I know sapnap will meet us there at the airport. George's gonna pick us up.

Tommy and tubbo have no clue that we're going to the UK. They think ill be in America busy, but since I'm gonna be on a plane all day. I told them I'll be really busy so I might not answer their texts. I get how they are when I don't talk to them for a whole day.

We had everything ready, Alyssa offered to drive us there so we wouldn't have to worry about parking. We had patches in her travel cage and a backpack for her things too.

Alyssa arrived and put our thing in her trunk. Clay sat in the passenger seat while I sat in the back with patches.


[ on the plane ]

Holy shit holy shit holy shit. I haven't been on a plane for ages. I can't believe this is really happening! We get seated and buckled up,
All our things in place. The flight takes off and we're on our way...

I take photos for the first hour of the ride. I'm trying to build my portfolio.

3 hours in and I'm knocked out, dead asleep. Clays have been editing and things, not doing much either.

5 hours in and I'm starting to binge the movies they have on here. I stayed with the Disney movies since there wasn't much of an optionto begin with.

7 hours in and I was a complete mess. I think I might have gone insane. Who knows.

The final 8 hour though was quite lovely, they served us breakfast and lunch than a desert type of snack. It was great.

We landed and got off the plane, grabbing our carry-ons and walking to the main building. We went through baggage and such then waiting for both George and sapnap to arrive.

I was going through my photos when I heard Clay suddenly say, "AYY SAPNAP!"

"DREM!" Sapnap yelled back

The two hugged each other then he came over to me and hugged me too. "Hey, Nick."

"How are you Maeve? It's been a while hasn't it?"

"For sure, how's you and Sylvee?"

"Amazing." He smiled at me

He and sylvee have been dating for a good 2, 3 months now. And let me just say, for a long-distance relationship they make it work so well.

George arrived at the airport and looked for us at the front gate, it was late here in the UK. 9:45 PM, George said hi to clay and nick then hi to me too. Hugging all of us. He walked us to where he parked his car and helped load the truck.

Clay and George sat in the front while nick and me in the back. George is also staying with us at Airbnb for a bit since he doesn't wanna disturb his family which he currently lives with.

When we got to the Airbnb, we looked around the giant house. 9 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, a game room, 3 WiFi ports, a theater, and so much more. How much is clay paying for this shit? It's literally gonna be me and him for most of the trip. He went all out.

I choose a room on the third floor, one with a balcony where I could watch the sunset. I unpacked my things and got changed. I can't believe I'm really in the UK...

Published: 11/06/20

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