[C29] a gift from me to you

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< Maeve's POV: December 15 > 

"Maeve, I don't wanna do this," Tommy whined

"You promised them!"

"Yeah, but I didn't think it'll actually happen!"

"Oh come on, you gotta keep your promises."

Tommy whined as he starts his stream. Tommy promised his fans that if he hits 10 million followers on twitch before the end of 2022 he'll let me put make-up on his face and he'll redo a video he filmed as a kid.

When he said this he was millions away and thought he wouldn't have made it since the number of followers he gained daily wouldn't be enough. But with the help of his friends and their raids/hosts. Tommy hit 10 mils just at the right time. I'm quite excited about this, but I can tell Tommy isn't.

We waited a few minutes to let people get onto the stream then he explained to the viewers what his stream will be today. Q&A + media share while I glamor up tommyinnit.

"I better get plenty of primes from this," Tommy says to the camera

"This is gonna be so fun," I say putting the bag of makeup I brought with me on his desk, "I'm a photographer, not an artist. Tommy's gonna look perfectly imperfect."

"At least make me pretty."

"Sorry to break it to you but that's not possible innit..."

"Fuck off." He laughed

The questions start to roll in as I try to figure out this man's skin tone. Bitchboy is like 10 times a lighter shade than me.

Tommy points at the train of questions asking the same thing, why did you and Maeve stop talking? We both laughed it off, not wanting them to know. I start to dab on some foundations on his face as he says questions for us to answer.

"How did you guys meet?" Tommy reads out

"Oh well, we met on Tommy's stream a few years back. Um Dream, my brother, had me get on the dream smp with Tommy."

"Yeah I'm guessing you're a new viewer but Maeve and I have known each other for a while, only recently have we been hanging out again," Tommy explains

"Would you ever make your own twitch channel?" Tommy asks me

"No, I mean I do like helping out on streams and YouTube videos. But I don't think I have enough free time for streaming." I laugh lightly

Tommy continues to read questions as we wait for the media shares to get accepted. I finished with his makeup base and now onto the contour.

A video of very young Tommy starts to play, him singing along and dancing to the song just the two of us. I watch the screen holding back my laughs. Haven't seen this clip ever before. I burst out laughing after seeing Tommy move his eyebrows to the song.

"STOP IT. DONT LAUGH." Tommy exclaimed

"What the hell?! I thought the Cadillac was your only embarrassing video." I say still laughing

"I've matured."

"How many gifted subs do I have to buy for you so you can recreate that video. Eyebrows and all."

"Like a thousand. I am not doing that."

"Okay chat if I donate 100 subs can you guys also donate?" I say desperately, I see the chat start to explode with yeses.

"You are not donating 100 subs," Tommy says to me

"Give me a second," I take my phone out of my back pocket, click on his stream, and gift 50 subs twice since 100 wasn't an option. It went through after a good minute.

"You did not," Tommy says seeing the notification pop up.

"Merry Christmas!"

"You're an idiot! Maeve?!"

"Call me a simp." I joke

More and more gifted subs roll in, 10, 50, 100 gifted from so many others. Tommy's sub count only rising by the second.

"Oh my god, thank you guys for all the gifted sub and primes. You guys are insane." Tommy says

"Thank you chat!"

I finish Tommy's makeup and I tie his hair in an awkward bun, "you have never looked better," I say as Tommy looks at himself in shock through OBS. We talk to chat for a bit longer than end the stream. Tommy promising them the video will be posted on Twitter in a few minutes.

I sit back on his couch out of frame. The song starts to play as Tommy recreates his exact movements. I try to hold back my laughs but can't. Tommy looks at me annoyingly, "this is all your fault."

"You should thank me Tommy I spent like 500 dollars on you."

"Who knew Maeve was a simp for tommyinnit?!" Tommy said acting shocked

"Did you just refer yourself in the third person?"

"Okay shut up."

I help Tommy edit the video then he posts it to Twitter. He obviously doesn't like it but did it for his fans. Laughing it off as well. I retweet the tweet on my account.

"So how do I remove this?" Tommy asks me talking about the makeup.

"I'll help you come along now child."

"When are people gonna stop calling me a child?!"



Tommy and I were in his bathroom, removing his makeup with the makeup removers I brought. After he washes his face with his facewash. Doing all the skincare things I talked to him about. I start to hear my ringtone go off as I see clay calling me from my phone.

"Hey!" I say answering the call, "what do you mean?" Clay talks through the phone worrying me, "oh... are you sure?"

"Everything okay?" Tommy asks

"Okay I'll check, I'll get back to you. Bye." I say hanging up, "I can't go home for Christmas."

"What? Why not?" Tommy asks me concerned

"There's apparently a blizzard coming, they're like canceling flights."

"Have you check your flight yet?"

"Not yet but it's probably canceled too."

"Wait so what are you gonna do for Christmas?"

"Probably stay at home with milo."

"No. You cant spend Christmas alone."

"I don't I have much of an option." I shrug

"I'm not gonna let you celebrate Christmas alone. Check your flights to be sure, if you can't make it to Florida. You're coming with me." Tommy says getting protective


"Yeah! I mean my family loves more people and they already know you so it won't be a hassle."

"Tommy you know how I am with people, I cant just insert myself to y'all family celebrating. I'm not even family."

"And? I care about you as much as I care about them. Maeve trust me on this one, celebrating Christmas alone is just wrong. I'm not gonna let you slouch around on Christmas Day. You're coming with me unless you can go to Florida. I know your anxiety's bad, but I'm there with you. I'll be there if you need a hug or someone to talk to. It's gonna be at my parents' house! You know that place."

"Okay fine, I'll check my flights then we'll see."

Christmas with Tommy's family instead of mine? This will be interesting...

Published: 12/04/20

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