[ Alternate Ending ]

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A/N: I remembered I said that I'll write an alt ending and never did it, so here you go! Enjoy! Also thank you for almost 1K votes, 26K reads, and the #1 spot for the tag YouTuber. Means the world to me <3

"a not so lonely Christmas."
3rd Person POV: Christmas Day *Events of Chapter 36 minus the ending*

Maeve and Tommy made their way up to his room. Tommy getting Maeve's gift from his closet while Maeve getting his from her luggage. Maeve sat on his bed, legs crossed and gift in her lap. Waiting for Tommy to sit down next to her.

"Okay, my gift's a bit tacky? If that makes sense." Maeve tells Tommy as he sits next to her.

"I'm sure it's great. Now let me see!" Tommy said excitedly.

Maeve hands Tommy his gift, a smile on both of their faces. Tommy opens it, ripping the wrapping paper and open the lid of the box. Inside was his favorite candy, a red and white hoodie, and a compass.

"A compass?" He asks holding the circular object up.

"Yeah... I told you it was tacky." Maeve laughs lightly, "I saw a video of yours in my recommended. It was when Wil gave you the your tubbo compass. So you'd always know where tubbo is. But I know it doesn't work like that irl. But y'know the meaning... It's hard getting a gift for someone who has everything okay?"

"And the meaning is?" He asks with a sly grin.

"That- um, you'll always know where I am. Where I may be, the compass will point to me. It would be a lot cuter if it actually did that..." She chuckles

"It's really cute Maeve, I like it a lot."

"I even put a picture of us in it, so you'll always remember my gorgeous face."

"Yeah like someone can forget your face."

"Just let my ego expand."

"Fine fine, it'll be impossible to forget your gorgeous face," Tommy says admiring the girl sitting next to him.

"Now let me see my gift!" Maeve says with a full smile.

Tommy gives her a nicely wrapped box, red wrapping paper with a shiny green bow. Maeve carefully unwrapping the gift and taking off the lid of the box. Inside was a white envelope and a camera covered in bubble wrap.


"I know how sad you were when they couldn't fix your camera. So I found the same model and bought it for you. All the photos are gone but I just thought you would like to have the camera again... Since it meant so much to you."

"Holy shit, how did you? I'm- thank you Tommy. This is so fucking cool!"

A few months ago Maeve went to a shop to see if they could fix her camera. The camera Clay gave her when she was younger. But they couldn't fix it, it was broken and can't be used. She was very sad, that camera had been through it all and was able to capture the most amazing moments.

So when Maeve saw that camera again, laying inside the box untouched and put together. She was incredibly happy. That camera meant the world to her, and even though it wasn't the exact same camera. It still had its meaning.

Maeve picked up the camera, looking at it before putting it back down and taking the white envelope. Tommy a nervous wreck.

"Okay wait maybe you don't have to read that." Tommy quickly suggested.

"Why not?"

"Well because... I don't know."

"It can't be bad, It's just a letter ain't it?"

"...yeah you right okay."

Maeve opened the envelope, inside was a letter to her. She unfolded the paper and began to read. Tommy looking at the girl as her eyes moved along the paper.

Dear Maeve,
Merry Christmas! Remember when we were watching The Office Christmas episodes? The one episode where Jim wrote Pam a letter on Christmas to say his feelings? Well, I got inspired. When we first met I thought you were a bitch. I mean who doesn't think you're a bitch. But the more we talked, and the more I got to know you. I found out you were a pretty cool person. And then I caught some feelings. I tried my best to hide them, but Toby got pretty tired of hearing me explain to him how much I liked you. I think I've always had feelings for you. They never really went away. And by that I mean I still have feelings for you. I still like you the same way I did 2 years ago on your birthday. Every day I regret saying all those things on the balcony. I was head over heels for you, and to be quite honest... I still am. The first time we met in person I fell so much more for you. I'm glad you agreed to come here for Christmas. This entire letter is so cheesy and cliche but I meant it all. I love you Maeve, Merry Christmas again.

Maeve looked up at the boy who's nervously smiling at her. She didn't think it was possible but her smile grew even more. Her cheeks flushed pink and eyes glued onto the boy.

"I love you too." She said with a cheeky grin. 

"You love me like friend t-type? Or like LOVE?" He asked nervously, stutter with his words. 

"I love you Tommy, don't make this awkward." She laughs lightly, going up to the boy to kiss him, "Merry Christmas." 

"I- um... Merry Christmas!" Tommy says shaken up from the kiss.

"You okay?" Maeve laughs at him.

"Yeah yeah! It's not like the girl I've liked since forever told me she loves me then kisses me right after!"

"Oh, do you not want me to do that anymore?" 

"Yes! No, I mean no. Y-you can kiss me whenever-" He says awkwardly

"Alright, just stop talking." She smiles, kissing him again but this time Tommy melting into it.

They pull away then get into a hug, Maeve resting her head on Tommy's chest. Emma rushed through the bedroom doors yelling a 'Dinner' then running back down the stairs. They laugh at the little girl then pull away from each other's embrace. Tommy kissing the top of Maeve's head before standing up. 

4,000 miles, 5 feet, or 2 centimeters, it doesn't matter how far away they are from each other. They will always love one another. For 2 years they didn't see or talk to each other but even then they had each other on their minds. After those two years, they met again. All the suppressed feelings they had only rose back up and somehow grew stronger.

The thing about first loves is that you'll always love them somehow. Whether it's a friendship or more. Luckily for Tommy and Maeve, they love each other like how two soulmates do. 

And so the couple went down, hands interlocked and smiles on their face. They know nothing will get in between their relationship this time. Because at the end of the day, the distance between them didn't matter. The distance was just that, distance

Published: 01/12/21

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