[C39] confessions

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< Maeve's POV: January 3 >

Today's my last day here in Florida, I have a flight back to the UK at 5 PM today. I've packed and everything but I still have a few hours to kill before having to go. Tommy and I have been on a call together trying to waste time but it's going by quite slowly.

"Last day in Florida, Clay's filming, Alyssa got work. And I'm talking to an 18-year-old British boy."

"The hell is that supposed to mean?!" Tommy exclaimed over the call

"Nothing nothing," I said laughing

"You know you should go out or something," Tommy suggested

"I know that innit, but going around town by myself seems kind of sad if you ask me."

"Well, you won't be alone! I'll be on the phone with you."

"That's not half bad of an idea, I can show you around Florida!"

"Yeah! Since I can't go there, you'll bring America to me!"

I quickly set my phone down for a moment to get my bag. I made sure I had my keys and other essentials putting on my shoes then heading out the door with my AirPods in and phone in my hand. Tommy's been screaming at me through the phone because he "wants to see the dolls singing at Disney." Listen I agreed to tour him around but no way am I buying a Disney ticket. We'll go to Disney together in person someday.

I drove around the town, finding the place where I usually go. Back when I needed a distraction place, I would go there to get away from everyone. I'd be here for hours mainly riding around on my skateboard.

The place isn't too far from home, just far enough for Clay not to worry about me but still be able to have my alone time. It's a not so popular outdoor shopping center. It's beautiful, not sure why I don't see many others come by. I parked my car and got out. My phone held low so the few people here don't stare at me.

"How am I supposed to see great Florida when all I see is your double chin?" Tommy says with an attitude 

"Oh fuck off, People are staring at me. I have some dignity."

"Yeah ok Maeve."

I show him around the area, all the places I would skate around. Flipping the camera from front view to back view, just so he gets a better look. Christmas decorations still up despite the holiday already over.

"They still have meet Santa thing there?" Tommy points out

"Just the setup, no workers... Hey, what did you ask Santa for?"

"What you mean?"

"Remember when we went to the mall together before Christmas?"

"Oh yeah, I remember what I asked him. Didn't come true but I didn't expect it to."

"You wished for a real thing?"

"Uh sort of, it was a real wish. But isn't a thing."

"What'd you wish for then?"


"Oh come on, is it that embarrassing that you won't tell me?"

"It's not embarrassing."


"Okay... I wish to spend more time with you."

"You're kidding?"

"Well, I basically wished that, it's not exactly what I said but its just the gist"

"Tommy we spend so much time together, I think your wish came true. And if ever I'm always one call away."

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