[C10] july 7th - part 2

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< Maeve's POV: 3:20 PM >

Fundy and Niki made it to the UK! Wilbur picked them up at the airport and now we're back at the pier about to have lunch. Clay and George are having their own "hangout" so they'll just meet up with us later in the day.

I take out my camera and take photos of the scenery around us. I've gotten some really good photos throughout the day. We're walking along the boardwalk to the restaurant. Tommy and I took our damn time walking. By that, I mean the group's like a good few feet ahead of us.

I was taking pictures and Tommy decided to wait around for me.

"Oh, that's a pretty pendant," I say looking through the glass display.

"Yeah, it's nice ain't it." He says

I nod then we continue to walk along, we caught up with the rest of the group right as they got a table. I sat across Tommy, Niki to my left. Fundy sat next to Niki, tubbo across from him. Wilbur sitting across from Niki.

We ordered our food and chatted while waiting. I ordered fried chicken bites, garlic bread, and a small salad. I wanted to stay generally healthy if you know what I mean.

"Okay come on everyone has a TikTok crush," Wilbur says

"What are you talking about?" I chuckle

Wilbur: "Niki keeps saying she doesn't have a TikTok crush."

Maeve: "Oh come on now, everyone has a TikTok crush."

Tubbo: "what's with you and dream saying oh come on now all the time? Is that a family thing?"

Maeve: "oh hush tubbo."

Niki: "fine fine, Wilbur I'll tell you my TikTok crush if everyone else does. It's not a big deal."

Tommy: "I think someone's jealous," Tommy says looking at Wilbur

Wilbur: "who me?!"

Tommy: "yes you."

Maeve: "Tommy who's your TikTok crush?"

Tommy: "Uh all of them"

Maeve: "oh my gosh of course you would say that."

Tommy: "what?!!!" He laughs

Tubbo: "well I have a TikTok crush."

Wilbur: "who is it tubbo?"

Tubbo: "I think her name is Lola, she's beautiful."

Maeve: "oh! I know who you're talking about. Yeah, she's gorgeous. Every girl wishes they looked like her. Including me." I joke

Tommy: "I bet not, you look great yourself."

Maeve: "oh eh, thanks Tommy." I smile at him

Wilbur & tubbo: "deffo flerting"

Tommy: "Oh shut up."

Fundy: "So Niki who is your TikTok crush then?"

Niki: "..." she laughs

Wilbur: "Niki Niki Niki." He says shaking his head.

We continue to talk about TikTok crushes until the food came. That's when everyone started to have their own little conversations. It seemed like Wilbur and fundy were in a heated debate about something. Tubbo and Niki laughing along.

The group knew I was taking photos throughout the day, they told me I could take pictures of them if I wanted to. So I took this moment and did. Genuine happiness on their faces.

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