[C6] company

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< Dream's POV: >

I walk past Maeve's room to hear her screaming and laughing. Her door was slightly open, I opened it more so I can pop my head in. Looking, I see her phone propped on her monitor. She's playing Minecraft with Tommy.

I take a deep breath then continue to walk to my room. I smile at myself knowing that my sister right now is laughing, even though it's with a boy. I think to myself what else I could do to make sure she's continuously happy.

You know she and Tommy spend a lot of time together, isn't it like 3 AM for Tommy? Huh... Does Tommy maybe like Maeve? I mean what friend would stay up until 3 for a girl? Right?

I'll deal with that later, for now, I have an idea of what I could do. I know Maeve's always loved to travel, she likes to explore and such. So what if for her birthday we go somewhere?


< Maeve's POV: 9:46 PM >

The moment I got on call with Tommy the guilt and fear I felt lifted off my body. I felt calmer and more grounded. We've been playing for a few hours, messing around on the dream smp and playing bedwars.

I needed this uplift, feeling negative things fucking sucks man. I'm just glad I know I'll be instantly okay once Tommy talks to me. Heck, even Alyssa doesn't make me feel how Tommy does. And Alyssa's like my big sister.

Well, she isn't my biological but she's my sister figure to me. Clay and I's stepmom aren't close to us. I mean she loves Clay but doesn't think much of me.

My stepsisters an ass, she could go to hell. All she does is travel and talk shit about our family.

Anyways, I heard Tommy start to yawn, one after the other. I realized it's probably really late where he is. Looking at my clock then adding 5 hours since that's the difference between our timezones, it's around 2 AM almost 3.

As much as I don't want this to end, I think it does.

"Hey Tommy, it's getting late there. You should sleep."

"Oh don't worry about me, I'm wide awake." He says holding back a yawn

"You were just about to yawn Thomas."

"Oh hush Maeve. I don't want to sleep yet."

"Well, I think you should."

"What if we just stay on FaceTime and I go lay on my bed." he replies

"God you're clingy." I say back

"No, I am not."

"Whatever, sure Tommy. I'll stay on call with you."

It's weird you know? How comfortable Tommy and I are with each other. I probably have only known this person for what? less than a month? And I can call him my bestfriend. Hopefully the feelings are mutual, but I'm sure they are.

I have other friends of course, but again they're bitches. I only need to talk to them when I'm being forced to or just feel like fucking around.

Tommy brushes his teeth and then gets into bed. Putting his phone where he usually puts it when we have FaceTime calls like these.

I mute myself and work on some editing. While Tommy tries to sleep. I play some music from my tv and continue to edit.

"I can't sleep."

"I could tell, you kept moving around. Betty's getting annoyed at you" I say unmuting myself

"Betty's such a sassy dog."

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