[C27] in the past

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< Maeve's POV: December 3rd >

"I was going through my old hard drives and found a file titled 'for 2022,' when I opened it, a video of me from July 24 popped up." Tommy says to the camera, "today Maeve and I are gonna react to it! I had tubbo watch it beforehand and he says it was really interesting!"

Tommy starts the video, there hes wearing his classic red and white T-shirt. He still wears it to this day. The video starts as he says his name, age, and date. July 24, 2020. This was during my visit to the UK...

"This was Wilbur's idea, so I would like to know. How's Wilbur? is he still a huge prick?" Tommy from the past asks

"He's doing great, still a prick tho." Tommy now says to the camera

I'm only here for the ride, I don't think this video has anything to do with me.

"Future Tommy, how much have you grown since now? You currently have 1 million subscribers and 1 million twitch followers."

"Huh, it's been 2 years and I've grown a lot. As of today, I have 16.3 million subscribers and 8.7 million followers on twitch..." Tommy says with a smile on his face.

"I hope when you're watching this, you're still doing YouTube and twitch. I really like how life is going right now." past Tommy says

"I am, I'm really happy."

The video goes on for another 10 minutes, talking about his job and his school. Then it gets into the friends' segment.

"You still buddies with tubbo?" Past Tommy asks

"Of course! We're living together now, with Freddie and Eryn too!"

"I hope you guys are still mates, tubbo and I have so much planned for the future. Hopefully, it's going our way."

"It definitely is."

"How's you know who?" past Tommy chuckles

"She's good, she's good... that's all I gotta say." Tommy lets out a laugh

Who's she?

"Serious question tho, I would edit this out... anything happen between you guys? I hope you guys are doing well. Like you know."

"if past Tommy only knew... a lot happened. Somethings not the greatest but now they're pretty good if you ask me."

"You still feel the same way?"

"Yup, even after 2 years." He says shyly

Wait wait wait, please tell me it's who I think it is... I want to believe he's talking about me, but then again, Tommy talks to plenty of women.

"I'm gonna assume everything turned out how I wanted it to... 1 year anniversary???" Past Tommy says

"No no no no..."


"Oh god, don't put that in the video."

"I'm not gonna."

"Last genuine question, you have any regrets?"

"One. And only that one."

A regret? Let me lay down my thoughts for you. This video was filmed on July 24, 2020. I was in the UK during that time. The questions are talking about a girl, hence she pronouns. My pronouns... if I remember correctly, this was after we confessed. If we put two and two together, plus all these vague answers...

It would make sense if he was talking about me. I want to believe he's talking about me. Listen, when I care for someone, I care for them deeply. My feelings for them will never go away fully. That's why I'm not seen with so many others. That's why I pushed away everyone besides Alyssa and clay.

I don't talk about my feelings because I'm afraid I'll never stop. Even in the 2 years Tommy and I didn't speak to each other. I'd think about him from time to time. Why? Because I loved him. I didn't think I did back then because we were young. But people mature as they get older. I know now that I loved Tommy. And I should have made the effort to keep talking to him.

I didn't though, it was out of my reach. Now, I still love Tommy. Maybe more than then?

"Maeve? You good?" Tommy asks, making my deep thoughts fade as I focus on him again.

"Oh yeah" I smiled

"You wanna go for some dinner?"

"Yes please, you're paying."



We made it to a restaurant near the place where we first met irl. It's weird how we always make our way to the pier. It's like a fucking magnet. I mean I'm not complaining, it's beautiful.

We sat down at a table, looking through the menu. I have this weird feeling of courage in me. As if I don't have social anxiety... which is really odd. I don't feel like this usually but might as well use it while it lasts.

We ordered our food and got our drinks, sitting and talking like usual.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask the guy sitting across from me.

"Yeah what's up?"

"During the filming, you said you had a regret?"

"Yeah. I do."

"Can I know what it is?"

"Not dating you."


"You know how I said we shouldn't date long distance a few years ago?"


"Well, I regret saying that, we should have tried. I've actually been meaning to talk to you about this..." he laughs lightly, "I was gonna tell you the day we filmed the lie detector test but you had to go."

"Oh." Well crap...

"Maeve when I said I felt guilt, I felt guilty for not dating you. I thought that maybe if we were to, you wouldn't have disappeared on me for years." He says taking a sip of his drink, "you stopped talking to everyone, whenever I asked about you to dream he shrugged it off. I cared about you so much. I kind of blamed myself."

"You shouldn't have, Tommy, I pushed away everyone because I couldn't handle it. It had nothing to do with you. The moment I got better I wanted to fix everything. But I didn't have the energy to. I'm sorry I made you feel this way."

"Don't be sorry, I'm glad I got it off my chest. But that's in the past now. Your words."

"I'm glad you're finally learning." I laugh, "Let's move on, we're friends again. There's no more distance between us."

"I'd like that."

Published: 12/01/20
HELLOOO??? #1 SPOT FOR THE TOMMY TAG??? INSANE THANK YOU!! This chapter was very last minute, but we're finally getting somewhere!! More festive chapters coming up soon :D

-Published: 12/01/20HELLOOO??? #1 SPOT FOR THE TOMMY TAG??? INSANE THANK YOU!! This chapter was very last minute, but we're finally getting somewhere!! More festive chapters coming up soon :D-

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