[C23] after all these years

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< Maeve's POV: >

Today we got a whole day planned based around me babysitting Niki's niece. I'm quite excited, plus I'll be helping out a friend. Niki texted me saying they'll be here in a few minutes.

Niki's niece is gonna stay overnight so I made sure I put anything away that could hurt her or potentially lead to a big accident. The guest room cleaned and ready.

Listen I'm no professional babysitting but I like to think I'm quite good with kids. I was cleaning the kitchen when I got a call from Tommy.

"What's up tommay." I say answering the call and putting it on speaker.

"Hey Maeve, you busy today?"

"Actually yeah, babysitting."

"Whose kid?"

"Niki's niece."

"Samantha! She's an angel."

"You've met her before?"

"Yup she's a bit shy at first but once she warms up she's very polite and talkative."

"So your saying she knows you and is comfortable with you?"

"Yeah pretty much, why?"

"Tommy, how would you like to babysit with me today?"

"The entire day..."

"Yeah, the entire day... I mean you don't have to of course, but the offer's there."

"You know what, sure. I mean I don't have plans anyway. I'll be there around 1?"

"Alrighty see you soon."


This will be interesting, Niki and Will make it to my home. I hear a few gentle knocks on my door and a ding dong. I tell milo to walk away from the front door in case Niki's niece is afraid. When I open the door, a little girl holding a brown bear and a small purple backpack is in Wilbur's arms.

"Hey! Happy birthday Niki!"

"Thanks Maeve, this is my Niece, Samantha. Say hi Sammy."

"helo," she says shyly

"It's nice to meet you Samantha, I'm Maeve. I'm gonna be taking care of you while Niki and Wilbur are out."

She snuggles into Wilburs carry, trying to avoid eye contact.

"She'll warm-up, don't worry." Niki says to me, "Hey Sammy, will and I have to go, can you go inside with Maeve now?"

Sammy nods, Wilbur letting her go as she walks into my home. Wilbur hands me a bag full of things for Sammy. Extra clothes, toothbrush, bathroom necessities, and other things making sure she has everything for her stay.

Wilbur and Niki walk-off, closing the door as they go. Samantha sitting on my couch looking around.

"Everything okay?" I ask her

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