[C15] the words of an empty garden

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< Maeve's POV: >

I say bye to everyone in the house, knowing that most of them would have left already before I get home. The dream teams gonna be here still, but everyone else is going back to America.

I hug them a bye then head out myself. George told me the routes of the public buses, so I decided to take it today. I didn't want to disturb him.

In my head, I played over what I would say to Tommy. I imagine us surrounded by flowers, tulips of every color. The sun beaming down on us. I tell him how I feel, straight up, no take-backs. But I snap out of it, knowing it won't be that easy.

I get into the bus, paying then finding an open seat. I put my AirPods in, keeping an eye out for my stop.

Tommy and i's playlist playing through my ears, Khai dreams, Joji, Ed Sheeran... the classics we'd always listen to. The perfect cliche confession withering away from my head. I know it won't be like that, but a girl can dream.

I've been talking to Alyssa for the past few days, she's been wondering how things are here. I miss her so much. If she was here, things would be so much easier. Let's be real, even after I tell Tommy I like him... What's gonna happen next?

My train of thought gets interrupted as my bus stop approaches. I thank the bus driver then make my way to the park. The sight of people walking around talking. Children playing by the swings.

I waited for Tommy by the flower garden entrance, soon hearing the gremlin call out my name. I turned around to face the walking giant coming towards me. I smile and wave, once again seeing that smile of his.

"Hello Maeve!"

"Hey Tommy."

For some reason, there was this weird awkwardness between us. Maybe asking him to come here out of nowhere was a bad idea... I mean I did travel all this way

"Why are you being weird? Is everything okay?" Tommy says straight forward.

"Yeah, everything's okay. I got bored at the house." Well that's a huge lie.

"Oh, well why would you pick a park then?!"

"I don't know! I don't live here!"

"hm yeah you right." he laughs, "Luckily for you, I've been here before. Come along now child." He says as he starts to walk in a certain direction

"excuse you I'm older!"


"I swear to god Tommy, if you push me, I'm gonna throw you across a field."

"You're like half my height, don't be so full of yourself." He wheezes

Tommy and I were standing by a pond, I almost maybe nudged Tommy just a bit causing him to almost fall into the pond with the ducks and fishes. now he just wants revenge.

We've been at the park for a good hour or two now. Most of the time is spent messing around and playing on the playground that was not made for us. The odd tension drifting away.

The sky turned dark grey since the morning. It's gonna rain ain't it. I tried to think if I should go home now before the rain starts to pour or hang with Tommy who's going insane.

Fuck it, I came here to tell Tommy and I liked him and I haven't done it yet. Gotta do it before I leave.

Tommy and I were standing in the middle of a field, a small gazebo a few blocks away. No one around us, just me and him. Tommy wanted to get some pictures for his Instagram, dragging me into them.

"Oh no not that one, I look like a frog."

"Maeve shut up, you look great always."

"Tommy noo," I say trying to take his phone

"The best part about being tall is short people can't grab things from me." He says as he reaches high up, so his phone is taller than him.

"Don't be a bitchboy."

"I'm being serious, you look beautiful there."

"I'm gonna murder you one day," I say while trying to reach for his phone.

"Fine fine I'll delete it and take a different one. Only if admit my posture isn't that bad."

"Don't lie to yourself." I laugh

"Fuck off, I'm aware my posture is shit but I'm working on it."

"This is why we call you gremlin."

I look up at Tommy with a smile on my face, a rush of anxiety filling my body as my mind tells me to tell the boy how I've been feeling. Slowly the smile on my face turns into a slight frown. My heart races. There's no one else around us but us.

"You okay?" He asks with a concerned look on his face

"Yeah, mhm, just thinking," I say feeling a drop of rain hitting my skin

"Oh, well you know you can always come to talk to me if-" suddenly the one drop of rain turned into many. One after the other, getting heavier and heavier.

Tommy and I laugh realizing we're already soaking wet. We ran to the nearest shelter and stood there. A crappy smile on our faces.

"How am I gonna get home like this?" I shiver

"Are you cold?"

"Yeah I mean I am drenched in rainwater."

"cold's for the weak American."

"I live in Florida, it's rarely cold there."

He rolls his eyes at me then pulls me into a hug, wrapping his arms around me to keep me warm. My face feeling his wet hoodie. His hugs, something about them just melt away ever bad thought in your head.


"What's up Maeve"

Here goes nothing...

"I really like you, like more than a friend way."

Published: 11/15/20
I was gonna write a few chapters that were about her parents, but I don't want this fic to be too long so I'll probably just skip those parts. I wanna say maybe 5-7 more chapters?? Maybe less. It depends on how much I write, but the story's getting close to the end. I hope you guys are enjoying it, it's really nice to know the stuff I'm writing is entertaining to y'all. :]

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