[C35] cookies for big s

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< Maeve's POV: December 24 >

Last night I dreamt about my parents. It was weird because it wasn't like any dream I've had before. Usually, the dreams are terrifying and just awful for my mental health. But this dream I felt more at peace with my parents. I called Clay in the morning telling him about it. It was an odd conversation but helpful.

It's Christmas eve and I'm hanging out with Tommy's family. The snow had melted and the roads were snow-free, salt on top to prevent any more snow to layer. Most of Tommy's family went out on their yearly Christmas bash. Leaving Me, Tommy, Emily, and the kids at the house.

"Emma wants to bake cookies!" Emma says full of energy

"Oo yeah I'll be pretty down to make some cookies." Danny says, "You know I'm a great baker."

"Don't lie Danny. He almost burned the house down once." Daniela laughs

"I guess it runs in the family then, Tommy forgot he was making a pizza and it was completely burnt when he remembered to take it out after like 30 minutes." I laugh

"Okay, this sounds like a personal attack to me and Danny." Tommy defends himself

"Whatever innit, let's bake cookies yeah?" I say finding a recipe on my phone.

Daniela and Sean didn't wanna help but stayed for the conversation. For being pretty young they're quite interesting. Daniela and Daniel even giving love advice. We had all the ingredients and started to mix them...

"Hey, uncle Tom? What happened with that one girl, I think her name was Jamie?" Danny asks

"Oh uh, we moved on." Tommy awkwardly replied

"Sorry Tom that's was out of pocket, don't ask about past relationships Danny," Emily says

"Oh I see maybe that's why my ex got mad at me," Danny said while measuring ingredients

"You're what?" Emily says shocked

"Yeah, my ex-girlfriend!"

We continue to talk about Danny's love life. Mind you he's 11 so it was something else. We got to shaping the cookies, making regular circles.

"You think Santa's gonna be upset if I had one of his cookies?" Emma asks

"Of course not, he'll be happy to share," I say to Emma, her smiling back and giving me a hug.

We put the cookies in the oven and the kids end up playing Roblox together in the theater. Emma and Tommy went to the living room to play catch with one of betty's chew toys.

Emily kept me company as I cleaned up the mess around the kitchen.

"So how did you and Tom meet?" She asks me

"We met through my brother, Clay."

"Dream right? He's a streamer Youtuber too?"

"Mostly a YouTuber now but yeah."

"Gosh, how does someone like you end up with Tom. He's a disaster. How long have you guys been dating?" Emily chuckles

"I'm sorry what?"

"You and Tom, you guys are dating right?"

"No, no we aren't." I awkwardly laugh

"Oh, I- you guys really aren't dating??"

"Yeah no, we're just friends."

"My apologies then, I thought you two were dating."

"It's all good, a lot of people assume we are. but we're just friends. a couple of besties..."

"For being just friends, Tom cares about you a lot."

"For sure, I'm not sure why he cares so much. But I'm glad there's a person I know who will always be there for me."

"Are you sure you two are just friends? I mean to be completely honest, you guys act like a couple more than Stella and Daniel."

"We're just friends, yeah... Just friends."

"You like him?"

"Emily I-"

"No need to answer, I think I know already."

It's like every day there's something that tells me I should talk to Tommy about how I feel. It went from this stupid lovely butterfly feeling in my stomach to one of Tommy's family members thinking we're dating. That definitely says something about our friendship.

30 ish minutes pass and the cookies are done and cooled. We saved some cookies for Santa and ate the rest. Them being pretty tasty. Later that night Once everyone was ready for bed. Emma and I went by the fireplace and placed a plate of cookies and milk for Santa.

Oh to be young and believe in Santa still. I hugged Emma goodnight and then went up to Tommy's room. That night I felt a bit homesick. Missing my family quite a lot.

"Everything okay Maeve?" Tommy asks me

"Kinda just missing my family."

"Oh, would you like a hug?"

"Yeah, I actually would."

Tommy pulls me into a cuddle, we were laying in bed already so this was a different type of hug. Still helped a lot. He made me feel safe.

"You should schedule a flight to Florida for the New Year," Tommy suggests

"I will, I miss them a lot." Letting out a tear

"I'm sure they miss you too, I'm here for you Maeve. You'll see them soon, I'll make sure of it." Tommy comforts, holding me tighter and lightly rubbing my arm

I bury my head into his chest, I miss my parents. But I won't ever see them again. In my dream, they told me to finally move on, that they're at peace. They said that they no longer needed to look after me from above. God, I miss them. I wish I got my closure but instead, I see them in my dreams from time to time.

"I miss them Tommy, I miss my parents." I cry

"Shh, I know, let it out,"

Tommy held me and told me everything will be okay as we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

'you see this honey?'

'I sure do'

'He'll take good care of her'

'I'm sure of it'

'She doesn't need us to guide her anymore, she's safe with him'

Published: 12/19/20
For clarification, the last few lines on the right side are Maeve's parents talking from above. Wanted to try something new. Tommy and Maeve obviously can't hear them. I planned out the next few chapters leading up to the finale and started planing the next Tommy x oc! I'm so excited, y'all should get hyped.

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