[C7] girls day out

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< Maeve's POV >

I woke up that morning in a weird mood. Yes, the night before was great but emotions change rather quickly for me.

It's hard to explain how I feel but it's as if my stomach was empty. Not hungry just empty. Sounds real depressing but today will get better. Alyssa and I are hanging out. To catch up and stuff.

It's around 12:30, she said she'll pick me up around 1 so I should probably get ready. I decided to get all dolled up since I felt like crap today. I picked an outfit, put some makeup on, and fixed my hair.

I looked at myself through my mirror, dad shorts, black belt, white spaghetti strap shirt, blue and white flannel. I matched it with my white air forces and silver diamond m necklace.

I look... pretty

I made sure I had my phone and wallet then went downstairs. Clay was sitting on the couch on the phone with someone.

"Wait Maeve, where are you going?" He asks me

"Oh, I'm hanging with Alyssa today."

"A girls' day out type of thing?"

"Yup, she'll be here soon."

"Can I come?"

"Do you have a vagina?"

"Whatt no" he laughs

"Then no." I smile at him

"Oh whatever, have fun." He says going back to his call.

I get a text from my phone saying Alyssa's here, I wave bye to Clay as he's talking to a person. Him waving back. I head out of the house and close the door behind me. Seeing Alyssa in her car in front.

[ the plaza: 1:46 PM ]

Alyssa and I ended up going to a shopping center, walking around, and talking. We're currently at a diner about to have lunch.

"So I heard you've been talking to Tommy a lot huh?" She gives me a look

"Where'd you hear that from?" I laugh


"Oh... well yeah I guess so"

"Last time I checked you weren't really a social person."

"Things change, I'm a grown woman."

"Really?" She chuckles

"Tommy's my friend lyssa, obviously I'll talk to him."

"Yeah but friends don't FaceTime for an entire day. By an entire day I mean a whole 24 hours."

"Oh yes they do..."



She looks at me, you know that look your parents give you when you say youre gonna hang out with the opposite gender. Yeah that look.

"Okay fine..." I cave

"I KNEW IT!" Alyssa exclaims

"Listen, Tommy and I we're friends, real close. Bestfriend type of beat, but let's just say last night... after talking to him, I'm starting to develop feelings. Well, I'm not even too sure."

"I CALLED IT. I knew this would happen! You haven't liked a guy in agesssss."

"Yeah yeah whatever, but seriously what do I do about Tommy?" I ask her...

< Dream's POV: >

I got off call once Maeve left the house. I was talking with a few members of the dream smp who currently live in America. Maeve's a stubborn girl. She doesn't appreciate surprise expensive gifts. I mean she does but she doesn't like them.

If she found out that this trip is solely based because I want her to be happy, she would feel bad and want to make up for it. So now would be a good time for a dream smp meet up.

And I mean yeah I also wanna meet up with everyone so it's a nice plus.

I've talked to everyone and we all made plans to meet up on July 8th at Brighton. But since it is summer break, Maeve and I will be staying in England for a good 3 weeks at least. A change of scenery.

I made sure everyone knew the plans and it was set. On the 7th everyone from England will meet up separately and on the 8th the entire group, from American and England, will meet up.

We did this so Maeve could surprise Tommy on the 7th. We all know about their friendship, Wilbur and I thought it would be a nice surprise.

I offered to pay for anyone's plane ticket, most declined but I bought a few people's tickets anyway. I booked a flight to England for two on the 5th of July. Alyssa unfortunately can't come, but it'll be alright.

I also booked an Airbnb for our stay. It was rather large so if anyone else wanted to stay with us they have their room.

Philza will also come to meet up with us which I don't mind at all. The more the merrier. Currently, I know the sbi boys, Niki, dream team, fundy, Tubbo, and Maeve are sure to be there. We invited everyone so we'll just see who'll show up.

I'm excited, I get to meet up with sapnap and George! Not to mention everyone else too! I wait for Maeve to come home before telling her.

< Maeve's POV: time skip 7:20 PM >

Clay and I were having dinner when he told me the news. I'm so excited, like super excited. He told me tubbo and Tommy don't know we'll be there so it'll be a cool surprise, I get to meet my Bestfriends that live miles away from me.

He tells me all the details while eating, after I go to him and hug him. Thanking Clay for this.

"Love you Maeve." He hugs

"I love you more Clay."

Published: 11/05/20

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