[C41] the letter

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< Maeve's POV: >

Seems like I have some explaining to do. It seems like a bitch move to just run away from anything that could cause problems or is currently causing problems. But at this point... I got the chance, and I'm not gonna say no. Yes, if things went differently, I would have said no to the promotion.

I'm quite happy here in the UK, sometimes you just need a change. When your boss calls you saying you're being promoted but you have to move back to Florida obviously the right answer would be to move back. It's a pay raise. And I mean come on, Tommy's practically moved on. Wouldn't you say so? What's there to lose?

Yesterday Tommy came to help, and we talked for a while after. But nothing that I wanted to tell him. The conversation was dull, horrible compared to what Tommy and I's conversations could be. But listen, I love him, I will always. But there's a point where maybe waiting for something to happen in our relationship isn't worth it.

We've known each other for years now, I guess we were just too stubborn with each other. If we were meant to be, it would have happened by now. I'm not gonna fool around and wait any longer. I'm moving on.


Tommy made it to my home, the same time as yesterday. The uncomfortable tension between us still the same. I can't seem to look at him, It feels odd doing so. We began putting the rest of my things in boxes. Only keeping the things I need on the daily out. The boxes piled up in my living room, being ready to be shipped.

Tommy went upstairs to pack up my room while I stayed in the kitchen. Carefully wrapping up the plates in bubble wrap and putting them into the separate boxes. Milo jumping up onto the island chair and sitting down glaring her eyes at me.

"You look pissed me. Did I do something wrong?" I ask my cat, her replying with a meow. "If only I knew how to speak cat."

Milo jumped down the kitchen island, walking up the stairs. Something told me to follow her so I did, walking up then down the hall into my room. There stood Tommy holding a piece of paper in his hands. A shocked look on his face.


"How do you have this?" Tommy says softly

"You gave it to me?" It's the Christmas letter 

"No, I never did. I thought I threw this away... When did you read this?"

"The day I got to Florida."

"I'm so confused."

"What? Why?"

"I threw this letter away Maeve! I never gave this to you, how do you have it?"

"I found it in my luggage, did you not put it in there?"

"No. I'm sure I threw this away."

Tommy's facial expression kept the same as mine only got more confused. He didn't mean for me to receive the letter? He said he threw it away but I got it. What's going on? Tommy sat on my bed, pulling his phone out and dialing in a number.

"What are you-" I start to say but being cut off by Tommy talking on his phone.

"Hey Em, did you see any letter in my trash can when you guys left my parent's home back in December?"

Em? Emily?

"You what?! Emily, it was in the trash for a reason... Of course, there is a reason! I don't have to tell you what... I assume she did... No, I'm not... I'm hanging up... Whatever, fine... I will." He hangs up, "Emma says she misses you."

"That was Emily?" I say sitting down next to him wondering what she could have told him. 

"Yeah, she's the one that put the letter in your bag."

"Oh, wasn't supposed to see that then huh?" I say slightly upset 

"I mean I was going to give it to you but I chickened out..." He says rubbing his neck

We sat there in silence, my head filling up with so many questions. Not one did I say out loud. Only letting my mind run itself over.

"I meant it all tho. And I still do." He says

Do you?

"I know that's gonna be hard to believe, but trust me. I mean it all." He adds

"So why'd she kiss you?"

"Because she's- I don't even know."

"Hm right," I say about to stand up not wanting to talk about it anymore

"I love you. We've said that to each other so many times. But I don't know if you say it how I mean it. I love you Maeve, not in the friendly way everyone assumes."

There my heart skipped a beat. The butterflies in my stomach could practically make me fly. I could feel my face heating up, my face turning red.


"I said what I said. I'm sorry for making you think otherwise about my feelings. Shit gets confusing." He lightly chuckles

"Wait but I texted you, I-I told you how I felt right after I read the letter and you never responded."

"I never got a text, hell, Maeve you know I would never ignore any text from you."

Just then everything began to make sense. All the mishaps were just that. Me ignoring him, not wanting to ask questions, or bring it up only brought shit to our relationship. What I thought was doing a service but really ignoring our problems only made things worse.

"I'm- Oh my fuck, I'm so sorry Tommy," I say embarrassed with myself

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I fucked things up."

"What? No, you didn't."

"I shouldn't have been so loose with everything, I should have just talked to you."

"Maeve? Are you insane? I don't know why you're crapping on yourself. You didn't do anything wrong," He tells me, "Look at me." He says holding onto my hands, "let go of any guilt you're holding onto yourself. It's only gonna make things worse. You did not do anything wrong. You followed what you thought was best."

I looked at him, his blue eyes gazing upon mine. Him comforting me as the guilt and embarrassment swept into my stomach. He held my hands tightly, giving me this sense of warmth. Through everything, the thing stopping me and Tommy was us. We were the only obstacle that stopped everything from going our way. It was my fault, but I won't fuck it up now.

"I love you too, Tommy," I say with a smile growing onto my face, cheeks flushing pink. He smiled back at me, everything was still. I moved closer to him, our lips inching closer. His touching mine. The long-awaited for but worth it kiss. That moment, it was just me and Tommy. No one else mattered but us.

We pulled away from each other and going in for a hug. I could feel his heartbeat against my embrace. He held me tight, holding me close to his chest, his head resting on top of mine.

"9 days, we have 9 days before you leave. We're gonna make the most of it." Tommy says softly, hearing the gentle tone in his voice.

"What's gonna happened after?"

"I'm not losing you again. We're gonna make it work. It's you and me together, promise?"


Published: 12/30/20
The next chapter will wrap up the entire story, it is, however essentially the epilogue. So technically this is the end to the plot. I would definitely read the epilogue still tho, very worth it imo. We're coming close to the full-on finale, how we feeling?

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