[C5] dreaming

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< Maeve's POV: June 30th >

"Hey Maeve, hey Maeve... wake up."

I felt a pair of hands shaking me, I wake up looking at a tall figure. Green eyes, brown blond hair but their face was blurred. I could only see their green eyes pop and hair clear.

The voice sounded familiar but not one I hear on the daily. It's not Clay, It's not Tommy... It's not a famine voice but rather a raspy masculine one. Then it hit me...


"Maeve..." His face unblurred, slowly I could see his features again, I look at him smiling at me.

"What's going on?" I ask him

"We're home..."


"Look, mom, Clay, Emily, Jayden. We're all here"

I stand up from what seemed to be a couch, once I stood it disappeared. I looked around and saw a house. Where am I? I thought, This can't be real. I walked in, my family behind me.

I felt chills down my spine, one second my family was behind me the next they're in front of me. This doesnt make any sense, "mom?"

"Hi sweetie. Come hug mom."

I run to her, hugging her as tight as I could, I hadn't seen her since I was five... am I dead? what's happening? I took this moment to tell her how much I loved her. how I'm so sorry for everything I've done wrong.

I lost both of my parents, even if this is just a dream it feels like I'm on earth. Everything feels so surreal.

"I miss you guys..." I say teary

"So then why'd you leave us?" my mom says


Within minutes i was being pulled away from them, as if I was being sucked away. I took one blink and they're miles away from me. Voices starting to whisper, "why'd you leave us?" over and over and over again.



"Maeve! Maeve!"

I was being shook by Clay, I woke up heart beating quickly and sweating. I was in my room, sunlight coming through the window.

"Clay..." I sighed, getting up and hugging him, "I'm so so so sorry, I didn't leave you."

"Maeve what are you talking about? why are you sorry?"

"I had a horrible dream."

"I could tell," he says holding me, "I'm here now."


< Dream's POV: >

I'm worried about Maeve, she hasn't had a dream that bad since July. I'm scared for her. Ever since this morning, she's been acting weird. Like there's something on her mind. She wouldn't tell me what she dreamt about. I want to help her.

Maeve's been locking herself in her room, only going out to grab a snack or water. I haven't seen her like this in a while. She won't talk to me, so I'll get someone else to talk to her.

~40 minutes later:

"Hey Alyssa," I say letting her into the house

"Hey Clay, what's going on with Maeve?"

"I have no clue, I'm worried about her."

"Where is she?"

"In her room."

I walk with Alyssa to Maeve's room, she knocks on the door and asks to go in, we hear a faint "it's open."

"I'll tell you after, give us some space okay?" She tells me

I nod and let them be, going back to my office to try to get some work done. I just hope Maeve opens up...


What seemed to be an hour later, Alyssa walks through my office doors. She tells me what had happened, Maeve had a dream. A really bad one that triggered past emotions.

"I think she might be having an episode again..." Alyssa says

"What do I do lyssa?"

"I mean it's summer vacation, right? Bring her somewhere, let's try to get her mind off of it. Who knows how long this episode would last. We need to make sure she's occupied and happy."


"Everything's gonna be alright Clay, she'll get through this."

Alyssa and I talked about it for a few more minutes before I called to order Chinese food. When it arrived, Alyssa asked Maeve if she wanted to eat with us. Luckily she said yes and we all ate around the table together. Not much was said during that time.

Maeve had this expression on her face, it wasn't sad or happy. It was like she was in her head, nothing but her thoughts, no sound going into or out her ears.

After dinner, Maeve hugged Alyssa bye, I waved her bye as she left the house, closing the door behind her. Maeve came up to me, hugged me then said goodnight. It's only 7:40 PM. Odd

I went on my PC to check if I had any new messages, going onto discord I had a DM from Tommy.


Tommy today at 6:45 PM
is Maeve ok? she hasn't been online all-day

Dream today at 7:45 PM
she's going through something, maybe try to cheer her up pls

Tommy today at 7:46 PM
on it big man


< Tommy's POV: >

I text Maeve asking her if she'd like some company, I expected her to say no since dream told me she isn't good right now. But surprisingly she called me on facetime. I accepted the call and pops up the American's face.

"Hey" I smiled

"Hi innit," she says forcing a smile

"Everything okay?"

"Just been thinking about things, anyways how are you, Tommy?"

"I'm good Maeve, you down for some Minecraft?"


Published: 11/02/20
Next chapter might be extra long just bc I wanna write more cliche dialogue type of crap. The story's progressing tho!! Please let me know if you're liking the story so far, either vote or reply. Much love <3

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