[C21] history repeats itself

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< Maeve's POV: October 22 >

"Wait so you two are hanging out again today?"

"Yeah, we're meeting up at a pier."

"What's with you and piers?"

"I don't even know, they have everything there so why not."

"But you're in the UK, it's freezing there."

"I mean it's not that bad."

"Okay, but can we talk about how you're about to meet up with Tommy?!"

Alyssa and I have stayed close, she's been the one person who has never given up on me. Besides clay. When she found out I was moving to the UK she was sad but happy for me. I'm just glad it didn't affect our friendship.

Today Tommy and I are hanging out. We've hanged out a few times before but they were brief. Today we planned the whole day.

Just so y'all know, it's not a date. It's two friends hanging out.

My style of clothing is very much the same, just more mature if that makes sense. I got ready, chose an outfit, and packed my bag.

I live by myself in a small townhouse complex in Brighton. It gets lonely sometimes but I've made friends here and they're lovely. Not to mention my cat milo. I love her dearly.

Tommy says he'll pick me up here around 2, he should be here any time now.

I wore a brown turtle neck over a blue plaid button-up and black jeans. It was quite cold today. After waiting a few minutes, I got a text from Tommy asking if the light blue house was mine. I replied with a yes then headed out the door.

a black jeep in front of my home, a man with blonde hair looking down on his phone. I walked up to the car and knocked on the window. Tommy looked up and smiled, unlocking the door.

"Hello Maeve"

"Hi, tommothy. So what are the plans for today?" I say sitting down in the passenger seat and buckling up.

"Well even though you live in the UK now, you're still an American. But luckily for you, I've been British. So today I'm giving you a tour of Brighton, or at least all the cool parts." He says, starting to drive.

"Where to first then?"

"Toby and I used to go to this restaurant every day since we moved here. But we got sick of it so stopped, we go once in a while but I thought today would be a perfect time. the food is amazing and It has a beautiful view."

The drive to the restaurant was around 20 minutes, Tommy and I remembered the old playlist we shared, Tommy gave me his phone and I looked through his Spotify. 35 different playlists, I found it near the middle of the list, I press shuffled and the song all I need by Khai dreams came on.

"I know I'm not the only one!" Tommy and I both sang, "But I can't imagine anything else, I see it every time I fall asleep."

"My body's aching my head is hurting my tummy's turning, my heart is racing filled with ambition I feel it burning." Tommy sang not messing up a single word.


We arrive at the restaurant and walk in, the place was more like a food court rather than an actual restaurant. There were many places to buy food from all in one building. Desserts, alcohol, meals...

Tommy and I looked through all the menus and ordered from the same place. I got my wallet out to pay but Tommy stopped me before I could. Him handing his card to the cashier.

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