[C3] mesmerized

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< Maeve's POV: June 27 >

It's officially summer break, during this time I usually sleep in, fuck up my hair, stop social interactions with pretty much everyone I went to school with, and well just be a lazy bum.

It's currently 1 PM and I'm still laying on my lovely bed. Cuddled up with my comforter. I'm scrolling through my phone, going on TikTok, Twitter, etc. I have no plans today and don't plan to go out.

"Maeve?! Get up!" Clay said opening my door


"Because you can't be lazy all summer, go take pictures or something. Call Alyssa."

"But Alyssa's still in schooool."

"Maeve if you don't get up right now."

"Fine fine whatever."

Clay leaves my room and I force myself to get up. I go into my bathroom and look at myself, hair greasy, top slipping off. God, I look disgusting. I hop into the shower and do my thing. After I put on some mom jeans and a white top. Drying my hair and straightening it.

What should I do today?

Going into the living room I find brother, playing with patches.

"Nice to see you up." He says to me

"We love being productive huh?"

He chuckles

"Hey, I think I might go out to eat lunch," I say grabbing a banana

"Alright, do you want to take the car?"

"Nope, I'm not experienced enough with that."

"Ha okay Maeve, be home by 4."

"Is there something you need me to do?"

"I might stream, and I know you like modding."

"Ooo yes I do, okay okay I'll see you later."

I put on my checkered vans on then pack my bag. Keys, wallet, phone, camera, extra battery, journal. Listen I'm one with many hobbies.

When I was first diagnosed with depression and anxiety, I really did everything I could to get better. One of those things was finding new hobbies to keep me occupied. Editing, photography, journaling were some of the few I enjoyed. Modding too!

Clays been helpful during those times, it wasn't too long ago I was at my worse. But I'm doing better now, yeah my anxiety is still a pain. But it's more controllable if that makes sense. There are times where I have a few depressive eps but it isn't as bad as a few years ago.

Honestly, I haven't had a depressive ep since July of last year. Of course, I get sad but that's a lot different than an actual ep. but I'm glad I have people here who support and love me. If it weren't for them I wouldn't be here right now.

Enough with the sappy shit, I take my skateboard and head out of the house, rolling down the street.

< Tommy's POV: later that day >

I've been editing videos all day, now that I don't have to worry about school, I have a lot more time on my hands. I've been on and off calls with my editors and tubbo. We're having trouble putting voice overs and such. Usually, we don't have trouble editing but the softwares just acting up.

"You should ask dream, I know he uses the same editing software as you," Tubbo says

"Hmm right okay, tubbo I'll call you later."

I get off the VC and call Dream on my phone, "hello?"

"Hey, Tommy what's up?"

I told him about our problems and asked him if he could help. He told me he doesn't get why it doesn't work either.

"Okay wait, Maeve's good with this stuff, you should give her a call. I think she's home right now."

"Alright, thanks, big man."

I call Maeve on FaceTime and she answers right away. It looks like she's in bed, covered up with her blanket.

"Are you still in bed?!" I ask

"No no no, I went out and I'm tired so I'm relaxing."

"Yeah okay."

"What do you need innit?"

I then again explained the problems but this time Maeve actually helps. I do what she says and we get the video done together in record speed.

"So you're gonna hang up now?" She asks

"Why do you want me to?"

"No, I like having company."

"Okay, then I won't hang up."

We talk for another few hours. I don't usually talk this much about myself to someone. But she's been wanting to know more about me. And now I know more about her too. Maeve could talk about nonsense for hours and I'll still be mesmerized.

I don't like her, well I don't think I like her like that, I only just met her. But it's nice having a lady friend. She's really fun to talk to and just a pretty cool person in general. The fact that we also have the same humor is a nice plus too.

It's around 10 PM here and I'm laying in bed, still on FaceTime with Maeve. We haven't been talking, only sending each other tweets and Reddit memes while doing other things. When she said she wanted company she actually just wanted company, someone on the other line.

Being an only child gets boring, so idk knowing someone is on another line with me is actually really comforting. Even if we aren't saying anything.

I don't think I've ever been this comfortable with someone for only knowing them for a short period of time.

I went to check back onto the FaceTime since I was on a different app, and surprise surprise I saw Maeve sleeping. Her phone was propped up so I could see her face. Her eyes were shut and I can see her chest rise and fall. I laugh taking a screenshot of her. Sending it to the convo.

Wait what that creepy? I'm not being weird right?

I shake it off, and slowly fall asleep myself...

Published: 10/30/20

I changed Maeve's bday to July 14, I thought about a cool chapter I could do but it'll only work if her birthday was near. Sorry for all the changes, I'm not good at planning things.

Serious question tho, do you guys prefer shorter chapters minimum of 600-700 words or like the bit longer ones 900-1000 words?

Also, I'm probably gonna write more cliche cute moment chapters because I can and I want to, hopefully, you're enjoying the story so far. :]

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