[ epilogue ]

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January 20th, 7:30 AM

Today was the day. Maeve was moving back to Florida, leaving her life in the UK on hold. Her decision to move back was based upon many factors, one being Tommy. Before Tommy and Maeve talked things through and finally got together, she was sure of her move. Thinking, what was there to lose? But now, she woke up in Tommy's bed. A bit sad about her move. The past few days she has stayed in his home with the guys. Just as Tommy suggested a few days back.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Tommy was busy at it. Wanting to make Maeve breakfast on her last day with him. He wants to make his final hours with her in person be so worth it. Tommy has never done this before, cooking for someone else who isn't his roommates or waking up next to a peaceful snore. It's all new to him, but he isn't complaining.

Maeve sat up on the bed, not wanting to start her day yet. She wasn't ready to go. At first, she was but now she's second-guessing herself. Though the opportunity is much bigger, her friendships here matter more. And now it wasn't just the friendships she cared about, It's Tommy too.

Deep down in her heart, there's a part of her that worried something will go wrong. Whether it's her flight or making the same mistakes. She's afraid she'll fuck things up. It's too late to go back now. All she can do is hope for the best.

Maeve finally got the energy to get up after minutes of scrolling through Twitter. Her flight is at 10:45 AM, 3 hours left. She walked down the stairs, a smile appeared on her face seeing Tommy cook with a cautious expression on his face. Freddie and Eryn sitting by the island.

She walked up to Tommy, giving him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. Causing Eryn and Freddie to gag.

"Get a room you two." Eryn joked

"It's ok Eryn, we all know you're lonely, and seeing a happy couple hurts you," Freddie said to him biting into some bacon.

"Shut up man, not like you're any better."

"Yeah ok."

"Morning to you guys too." Maeve laughed at them

Tommy hugged her back asking Maeve to sit down so she can try the food he made. Maeve got seated next to Freddie and Eryn, Tommy giving her a plate of the pancakes, egg, and bacon he cooked.

Maeve was hesitant, every time Tommy had tried to cook for them he ends up creating a monstrosity of food. But this time it did look promising. Maeve took a bite, Tommy waiting for her reaction. Surprisingly enough, it was pretty good.

"Toby helped you didn't he?" Maeve said while eating

"Whaaat nooo." Tommy replied, "I mean maybe he told me how to do and possibly made the batch but I technically cooked it so..."

"Well since you know how to cook, once you visit me in Florida we can have a home-cooked meal!" Maeve said, trying to make light out of the situation. Tommy has been a bit bumped out, so as Maeve.

It was time for them to go, Maeve and Tommy both dressed and ready to leave. But only one will be coming back home. Maeve's luggage was sitting in Tommy's car trunk, milo in her cage sitting in the back seat. The past few hours were the two of them making sure she hasn't forgotten anything and spending time with each other. Every second together they made the most of it. Not knowing when they'll see each other again.

Maeve sat in the passenger seat next to Tommy, a forced smile on her face. Getting to the airport, Tommy went inside with her and Milo. They get to the gate where none travelers weren't allowed to pass further.

"So this is it?" Maeve says the smile turning into a slight frown.

"For now, I'm gonna miss you so much holy shit," Tommy says, going in for a hug. Wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I'm gonna start crying and it's gonna be your fault."

"I already am."

Maeve pulled away to look at the boy's face, in fact, he was crying, a few tears rolling down his face. She laughed lightly, wiping them away with her fingers. Tears developing in her eyes too. She quickly hugged him again, not wanting him to see her cry.

"Fuck you Tommy. I'm crying now."

"Remember to call me okay? Don't be afraid to text me whenever fuck timezones. Facetime whenever you want because hell I will be."

"I will, I promised you. It's me and you."

"Always. Your gate's gonna be boarding soon."

"I know but five more minutes. I don't wanna say goodbye yet."

"Flight 305 to Orlando Florida will be boarding now at gate 5," The telecom said

"Shit," Maeve breathed, "I guess I have to say bye now huh?" Maeve said looking down at her feet, letting go of Tommy's embrace.

"I love you, have a safe flight. Call me when you land." Tommy says with a comforting smile

"Bye, I love you too. Don't be too sad that I'll be gone."

"I'm clingyinnit aren't I? You gotta go now American, I'll see you soon."

Maeve planted a quick kiss on his lips then went off to her gate, waving a final bye to him as she walks farther and farther away. Tommy watched her before having to go back to his car. He's hopeful, knowing this time everything will work out. He'll make sure of it.

It doesn't matter if they're 2 feet or 4,000 miles apart. The distance doesn't matter anymore. Because time and time again, they've always loved each other and always will. The distance between them is just that, distance.

Published: 01/01/21
And that's it, the finale... I hope you guys enjoyed the story as much as I did. Thank you for all the support you all gave throughout it. I appreciate it all so much. The next chapter is another Tommy x OC I'm starting, feel free to look at it for more info. If not, thank you for reading <3

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