[C4] dream smp

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< Tommy's POV >

I woke up the next day still on FaceTime with Maeve. I didn't want to hang up so I just stayed on. I would have thought she would hang up but I guess not.

I open Twitter and reply to people, muting myself on FaceTime so she doesn't hear any background noise. It's 10:45 AM here so I'm guessing it's around 5 in America. I wouldn't want to wake her.

Scrolling through my tl I saw a tweet from Maeve's account,

Maeve (@maeveily)
*screenshot of their messages, picture of her sleeping blurred.*

Maeve (@maeveily)
replying to @maeveily
haha revenge
*screenshot of Tommy sleeping*

Tommyinnit (@tommyinnit)
replying to @maeveily
this is uncalled for and stalkerish


I don't usually check my comments unless I know one of my friends had replied to me, but I did go and scroll through the replies. Most of the accounts were muted so I had to scroll pretty far down.

I saw a lot of people saying aww's and pogchamp. A few replies about me talking to a woman. It was something...

I get my day started and get out of bed, freshening up, getting dressed, then finding something to eat.

"Morning" I say to my parents in the kitchen

"Good morning son," my dad says

"Morning Tom, who were you talking to yesterday?" My mom asks

"Oh my friend, Maeve."

"A girl?"

"Yeah," I say not thinking much of it

I look at my parents, my mom giving my dad a look. I laugh confusingly, "what???"

"Nothing honey..."

I grab some breakfast my mom made us and sat with them. After finishing breakfast, I went back to my room and got on my PC. I think Maeve's phone died since the FaceTime call ended. Kinda feeling lonely now not gonna lie...

~4 hours later:

"HELLO STREAM," I say as I watch the chat pogchamp, "today we're gonna chill on the dream smp."

I haven't done a chill stream in awhile so I felt like doing one. I got onto the server and saw a user by maevve_ playing on it. I went to the discord server and saw Maeve's discord in a VC with dream and tubbo.

"MAEVE?!" I say joining the VC




I find tubbo, dream, and Maeve around the central home, giving her some starting things. Dream hops off and leaves tubbo, Maeve, and I in the VC.

"Are you guys streaming?" Maeve asks us

"Yeah," tubbo and I say

we do a full-on tour, not like last time she was on this server, we showed her to pogtopia and what used to be lmanberg.

"you'll probably want to make your base near pogtopia." tubbo says

"Right right, does it have to be hidden?" She asks

"I don't think so, just make it kinda far from actual pogtopia."

"Gotcha gotcha."

We gather materials altogether and help her build. I didn't do much to be honest, I was supposed to decorate but Maeve didn't like how I did it. Mind you it was very gorgeous before Maeve took everything down. I had dirt blocks and gravel everywhere, some flowers too. It was beautiful. No clue why she didn't like it.

"You think Wilbur would let you join pogtopia?" Tubbo asks

"I hope so, I don't wanna be associated with the hell hole of manburg." She replies, saying manburg in a southern accent.

Just as we were talking about it, Wilbur joins the VC.

"Tommy, who's this?"

"Maeve, Dream's sister."

"Oh oh Maeve yes, hello!"

"Nice to meet you, Wilbur."

"Is this the girl you were FaceTiming with for a whole day Tommy?"

"Wilbur Wilbur what are you talking about..." I cough not wanting the fans to know that.

"You know how you guys stayed on call whil-"

"Okay anyways," I say deafening myself, hopefully, tubbo deafened too or something. I nervously laugh and tell my mods to go on emote only. I undeafen and continue to talk to the gang.

"Maeve you can't piss in Minecraft." tubbo laughs

"what the fuck do you mean?! the water is yellow!"

"you dyed it!"


I laugh at their stupidity, "wait so Wilbur can Maeve join pogtopia?" tubbo asks (a/n: this is after the festival but before quackity joined)

"She's American tubbo!" I say

"This isn't no l'manberg Tommy." wilbur adds

"isn't techno from America too?" tubbo says

"oh, I suppose then..." I sigh jokingly

"you little motherfucker," maeves exclaims

"gosh you children, Maeve you are welcome to join us," Wilbur says in an evil tone.


~2 hours later:

"No, I will not play fnaf."

Tubbo and Wilbur had left the call a few minutes ago, I reached my sub-goal, my chat, Maeve, and I are talking about what I should do. Currently, they're all screaming at me to play fnaf.

"Tommy you're a wimp, I'll be on call with you. just play you dumbass."


"Your stream wants you to play so you play."

Maeve convinces me and I start up the game, I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm already screaming and I haven't even started yet. I start night one and get through easily, fnaf 4 is by far the scariest and hardest to beat.

By night two it was hell. Jumpscare after jumpscare. Maeve had been laughing the entire time as if my screams only fueled her. At some point, the jump scares didnt phase me anymore. But still stuck on night two.

"you're such a wimp Tommy,"

"you try playing this game American."

"Oh shut up, you get scared so easily. Imma make you watch a horror movie with me when we meet up."


"so you don't wanna meet up with me?!"

"no I mean yeah I do, but I'm not watching a horror movie with you."

"you're actually a wimp."

Published; 11/01/20
GEORGES BDAY TODAY WOOOOO! Also tried to get a Halloween ish vibe to the end of the chapter yk the fnaf, but it was so rushed. sorry for the bad chapter. Next one gonna be pog tho. I hope everyone had a nice Halloween!

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