[C24] merch photos

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< Tommy's POV: November 15th >

"So we need a photographer," Toby says writing down a few things.

"Oh I can get that, I know a person," I say getting ready to call her

Eryn, Freddie, Toby, and I are currently talking about our first merch drop as a group. The designs are beautiful but we need photos for the shop and our social media. The moment I heard Toby say we needed a photographer, I knew exactly who to call. Let's just hope she isn't busy.

"Okay so if Tommy has that done, we need to schedule that as soon as possible. The merch drops on the 21st so we need to promote the day of and a few days before." Toby says

When it comes to business, Toby is our guy. He's really good at managing and such.

"Tommy go call Maeve now so we can see if she can take the photos, if not we'll have to find someone else. Will she be able to get them done before the 19th?" Eryn asks

"Yeah, She's a hard worker. Hold up I'll call her now."

I move away from the meeting, and into the hallway. Clicking on Maeve's contact and hearing the phone ring.

"Hey, Tommy." Maeve answers

"Hi Maeve, we need a photographer for our merch photos. Would you be able to do them for us?"

"When do the photos need to be done?"

"Before the 19th."

"Are you guys free tomorrow?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure."

"Alright yeah, I can do it tomorrow!! You'll guys need to bring the merch and just in case plain sweat pants or black/blue jeans."

"Yeah we can do that."

"How's tomorrow at 1 pm?"

"Yup that's good. How much are commissions?"

"Oh don't worry about it."

"No no no, we're gonna pay full price or even more. We're gonna support our favorite photographer."

"You're an idiot."

"No, I'm me."

"Oh god, whatever Tommy. I'll see you guys."

"Thanks, Maeve! Text me later."

"Will do byee."

I hang up the call and go back to the meeting room. I tell them when and where. Maeve does her personal commissions at her home, having a mini studio there. We put it down in our schedule and get things ready for tomorrow.

[ The next day ]

We got ready and had a box of our merch in hand. I gave the boys the address to Maeve's home, as well as our actual manager. Toby and I drove there together while Eryn and Freddie went in a separate car.

When we got to the house I was greeted by milo and Maeve telling us where to go. We brought the box of merch in her home studio and looked around.

I thought her bedroom was the master but I was wrong. This room was the largest. Milo didnt want me to let go of her so I carried her up to the room too.

"Why does that cat like you so much?" Eryn asks

"I don't know."

"Have you been here before?"

"Yeah many times."

"Oooo that's why," Eryn smirks


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