[C37] jim and pam

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< Tommy's POV: December 28 >

"You got everything?" I asked Maeve

"I think so, Imma go downstairs real quick to look around. Maybe I misplaced something."

"Alright, I'll be here."

I looked around my room, today's the last day of Maeve and I being here. Most of my family left yesterday, Emily and Emma the only ones here left besides my parents and us. Christmas was lovely but I'm just ready to go home and spend new years with my mates.

Sadly enough, Maeve can't spend new years with us but I'm glad she's going home. She was feeling upset one night and it's the best thing for her to go back to Florida. I'm going to dropping her off by the airport on my way back home.

I saw the letter I was supposed to give her hidden under a few of my hoodies, why didn't I give it to her? I decided since Christmas was over, it'll be a bit weird to keep it. Right? I stood up and threw away the white envelope with Maeve's Name on it. I started to bring our luggage down and try to forget about it. Passing Emily down the hall.

"You got everything?" I ask Maeve as I see her in the kitchen

"Pretty sure." She says with a smile

"Ready to go?"


"Alright let me get your suitcase upstairs then we'll be on our way." I walked back up to my room, Emily inside.


"Oh, Tom, I was just looking around. Don't wanna leave yet." She laughs lightly

"Ohh okay, well take your time. Maeve and I are about to go."

"I can't let you guys go without a bye. I'll help you bring these down." Emily says grabbing a bag

We walked down, Maeve and I's things lined up near the front door. Maeve playing with Betty and Walter. Saying her byes to them. My parents coming up to us.

"Ahh, Maeve come here." My mom says opening her arms to hug her, "It was so lovely seeing you again."

"It was a pleasure spending Christmas with you guys, thank you!"

"You're always welcome here." My dad points out when Maeve goes to hug him too.

I start to hug my parents after Maeve, my mom tearing up. "Don't cry mom, I'll be back soon," I say hugging her tighter

"I know I know, I'm just gonna miss my boy."

Emma runs up to Maeve and hugs her too,  "I'm gonna miss you Maeve." The young girl cries.

"Don't cry Emma, I'm sure we'll see each other again," Maeve says to her

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Lastly, we say bye to Emily and it was time to go, We got our things and put them in the back of my car. Waving one last bye then getting in the car.

[ at the airport: ]

"Don't get all emotional on me innit, you start crying I will too," Maeve says jokingly as we stand by the gate before having to let her go.

"I'm not gonna cry dickhead."

"I think you are. It's okay Tommy, it's okay let it out."

"Shut up Maeve, just give me a hug and go to your gate or else you'll miss your flight."

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