[C1] minecraft streams

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< Maeve's POV: June 16th >

"Hey Maeve? Would you maybe want to go on stream real quick?" Clay asked me peeking his head through the door.

"And what do I get from it?"


"No thanks clay, you know how I am with new people."

"Please Maeve? I'll be there with you,"

"Fine, whose stream is it anyway?"

"You'll see."

I got up from my desk and walked with Dream to his office, he told me to sit down at his desk and just talk. I put his headphones on and say hello. Looking at the screen to see Minecraft.

"Dream?" a British voice said

"Uh no, this is his sister, uh..." I push the mic away and ask if I say my real name or something else. He whispers to me, "uh up to you."

"Maeve, and you are?" Playing with the controls


Oh Tommy, I know him, the loud boy clay keeps screaming out. I've watched a few of his streams before, he's funny sure. I start to fill a rush of anxiety creep onto me. My heart starts to beat faster and I'm starting to shake.

"Uh did Dream's balls drop or something? Why does he sound like that?"

"He's saying your voice sounds weird," I hand him the headset and he talks to Tommy, I take a deep breathe, trying to calm myself down. Clay mutes his mic and hugs me,

"I know this is out of your comfort zone, if you aren't comfortable doing this, it's okay. I'm here don't worry." He says patting my back

"It's okay, I can do this." I smile at him, I put his headphones back on and start stabbing Tommy.

"What the fuck what the fuck!" Tommy yells as I kill him

"Just killed tommyinnit, feeling good." I laugh

"WHAT THE FUCK WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, wait I shouldn't curse around a child."

"We're the same age you buffoon. you're just bad"

"oh what the hell. I thought you were 14"

"No I'm 16, anyways, you gonna give me a tour or?"

"Right right, now tell me Maeve, is dream the same as he is in person."

"I mean I guess?"

"Say 1 if he's actually a prick."


"What is he telling you!?!" Dream exclaimed

I laughed and went along with the bit. He toured me around the smp and we just caused chaos. I felt more comfortable and wasn't as nervous after a few minutes. After an hour, I went to go help out in the pit. Tommy asked me more questions and we talked about random things. It was actually really nice. I didn't expect him to be so friendly, I mean he's usually so obnoxious.

"Who else do you know?"

"More woman than you."

"For your information, I know PLENTY of women."

"Yeah ok keep telling yourself that tommothy."

Tommy made jokes about dream and was being himself. He was a lot more talkative and less shy since the beginning. Looks like he's warming up to me too. Clay laughed showing me his phone, on it, I saw Maeve and tommyisoverparty was trending 4th and 6th respectively.

I look at my phone and open Twitter to see my mentions being spammed by people. I had gained thousands of followers and my recent tweets getting likes. In shock, I just laughed it off.

"You know you're a real character Maeve"

"I know pfft."

"Gosh, you're just like your brother."

"So what you're saying is you don't like my confidence?" It's nonexistent but you know...


"You heard it here first, tommyinnit does not like confident girls. Stans write that down."


After an hour and 30, clay took over and said the twitch prime line for Tommy. Tommy ended his stream and I said bye to him. I go back to my room and sit on my bed, opening twitter to check my notifications:

Tommyinnit has followed you

Tubbolive has followed you

Ph1Lza has followed you you back

Wilbursoot has followed you back

Huh, well look at that. I've been a fan of Wilbur since his first smp earth video. It's insane to see that he knows who I am.

I tweeted out something to say hi to everyone, the number of followers overwhelmed me and I felt the need to go private. I'll give it a few hours then I'll do it. I wouldn't want anyone to have fomo.

Maeve (@maeveily)
I have no clue how you guys found this account, but hi :]

Tommyinnit (@tommyinnit)
replying to @maeveily
are you also green?

Maeve (@maeveily)
replying to @tommyinnit

Tubbo (@tubbolive)
replying to @maeveily
hi :)

Maeve (@marveily)
replying to @tubbolive
tubbo :o

Tubbo (@tubbolive)
replying to @maeveily

After liking comments and interacting with some of my new followers, I went down and saw clay cooking. He and I live in his huge house, I'm honestly glad I live with him. I feel like he would go insane living here by himself.

We have dinner together like always and talk. Clay and I are close, he's actually my best bud around here to be honest. He looks after me, I look after him.

"Soo what you think about Tommy?"

"He's... funny. A real loudmouth."

"Tell me about it. Would you ever want to start streaming?"

"Idk, I'm not really into that stuff. I like editing tho."

"Well yeah, that's why I bought you that camera of yours. Hey, would you maybe want a new PC? Your MacBook won't do you justice."

"That's a lot of money clay, you know how I am with that stuff."

"Please, just let me. You can choose the colors and shit."

"Fine fine."

Published: 10/27/20
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