[C12] q&a

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< Maeve's POV: July 10th >

Today I'm visiting Tommy! Today was a free day, dream and I had nothing planned. No hiking no events. Just a chill day, so I thought it would be a great day to hang out with Mr innit.

I got ready for the day and George dropped me off at Tommy's house. George and sapnap have become my nonbiological brothers. I appreciate them so much. I thank him for driving me here and wave him a bye as he drives off. I walk up to their front porch and knock on the door. A lovely woman with blond hair opening it.

"You must be Maeve! Come in!" She welcomes.

Tommy walks down the stairs as I walk into their home. I smile at him then look back at his mom.

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Grant." I shake her hand

"No need to be so formal, call me Tricia. I'll make you two a snack. Tommy's father isn't home right now but he will be later for dinner. Would you like to stay?"

"Oh, I would love to! I'll just tell my brother."

"Ah yes, make sure he's okay with it. Now get along, I bet you a Tommy have plenty to do." She smiles.

I say hi to the bitch boy himself and he leads me to his room. That's when Betty decides to push me down onto his bed.

"It's nice meeting you too Betty," I say hugging the dog

"She really likes you eh?"

"I guess so, where's my man Walter?"

"Probably somewhere downstairs, he'll show up soon." He chuckles

"So this is where the streams happen huh? Rather cleaner than usual." I say sitting up on his bed.

"Yeah, I cleaned since I knew you'll be here."

Tommy and I talked for a bit, trying to figure out what we'd do today. The 1 day we didn't see each other we texted the entire day. Sometimes I think Tommy gets fed up with me, but he has to deal with it. I mean come on, I'm so funny.

Tommy offered to stream together, I'll be out of frame so the viewers don't see my face. I agreed and he started streaming.

"HELLO STREAM." Tommy yells, "today we have a special guest. And no it's not Obama. We have Maeve!"

I say hi and wave my hand into the frame.

"I think we'll do a try not to laugh later MAYBE but for right now, we're gonna try to play Minecraft but Maeve's gonna work the mouse, and ill work the keyboard."

Tommy fixes his camera so it shows the keyboard and mouse instead of our faces, I sit closer to him and hold the mouse.

"Oh god, people are gonna make fancams of our hands."

"Don't give them ideas Maeve."

We tried to speed run Minecraft but that failed quickly. I don't have super speed fingers okay?

We somehow get to the nether and my job was to kill the blazes. Instead, the blazes killed us.

"MAEVE!" Tommy exclaimed




Tommy's now going off on me and I couldn't help but laugh. This boy never fails to put a smile on my face.

"Whatever innit, you're just mad I didn't let you add those songs to our playlist."

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