[C25] UK thanksgiving

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< 3rd person POV: >

"So today we have a special guest with us. As you guys may know, we're all British. We don't celebrate thanksgiving. So to help us we found ourselves a fellow American." Tommy introduces

"Hellooo!" Maeve says getting into the camera frame.

"This is DREAMS sister! Some of y'all might remember her if you were a tommyinnit fan a few years ago! Introduce yourself go go." Toby adds

"I'm Maeve if you didn't know. And yes I'm the only American in this house."

"So what's the first step of thanksgiving?" Eryn asks

"Well we should get the food ready, so everyone has a dish they'll have to make. The turkey has two people because it a bit more complicated. But we got mashed potatoes, the turkey, Mac and cheese, cranberry sauce, and there are fresh fruits too but those are quite simple."

The five of them get started on the cooking, already chaos in the kitchen. Tommy and Maeve did the turkey, Freddie did the mashed potatoes, tubbo doing the Mac and cheese, and Eryn cutting up the fruit and cranberry sauce.

"Wait you want me to pull out what from the turkey?" Tommy says confused

"The neck, just go in and pull it out." Maeve laughs

"No no no no, that's not normal?!"

"Tommy just do it!"

Tubbo, Eryn, and Freddie look at the couple of besties arguing about the turkey's neck. The cameraman pointing the camera back and forth between the two groups.

A silence falls once Maeve and Tommy realize that they were staring... "Just pull the god damn neck, Tommy!" Tubbo exclaims breaking the silence.

An hour or so passes and the turkey is in the oven, the Mac and cheese done and steamy. Mash potatoes freshly cooked. The only thing not finished was the cranberry sauce and fruits. The easiest food to prepare.

"What have you been doing Eryn?!" Freddie laughs



"Well no... I was getting my turkey suit ready..."

"Your what?!"

"TURKEY SUIT! OMG ILL SHOW YOU." Eryn says running up the stairs

By the time Eryn got back down wearing his turkey suit, the fruits were cut, the cranberry sauce was finished, and the gravy was even done despite them forgetting about it. Eryn ran down the stairs wearing an inflatable turkey costume out of breath.

The entire group laughing, "What the fuck Eryn." Tommy laughs

"I look fucking hot, literally." He says breathing heavily.

They help each other set up the dining table placing all the food in the middle, taking out the turkey from the oven. All five of them sat on one side of the table, the cameras pointed at them.

"So what now?" Tubbo asks

"We eat, but first we have to say what we're thankful for," Maeve says

"Okay editor put some real sentimental music right now, imma go first." Tommy starts, "I'm thankful for me. And women, and my primes, the pogchamp. Amen."

"Tommy that's not- I okay nevermind. Tubbo you next." Maeve chuckles

"I am thankful for modded Minecraft and in all seriousness, I'm thankful for everyone who has been through it all with me. The viewers, the stans."

"Gosh, Tubbo you're making me seem rude," Tommy says

"How?!" Tubbo asks, "you could be thankful for anything and you said pogchamps!"

"I'm thankful for this hot ass turkey y'all made and my buddies!!!" Eryn says ignoring Tommy and tubbo.

"I'm thankful for you guys! And of course, the viewers, what about you Maeve?" Freddie says

"Um, I'm thankful for my family and you guys too!"

"Shit Eryn, we seem like douches now," Tommy adds

"No Tommy, you look like a douche. Just you."


After the thanksgiving "dinner" they went out to play American football. The food was actually pretty decent.

"Okay American football seems fairly easy," Tommy says holding the football in his hands.

"Yeah okay, have fun with that." Maeve laughs, "I'll watch from the sidelines. I can tell this isn't gonna go well."

Tommy throws the ball across the field, Tubbo catching it but being immediately chased by Freddie and Eryn. The turkey suit moving up and down, deflating little by little.


"TUBBO THROW IT," Tommy yells to the guy being chased by a turkey.

Tubbo throws the ball then getting tackled by Freddie and Eryn. The ball touching the homemade goal ever so slightly. The three of them being dogpiled.

"Did I score?" Tubbo said quietly, being crushed by the two guys.

"YEAHHH!" Tommy yells excitedly

They play another round but this time with Maeve. Just as crazy as the last. By the time they were finished with that segment, the sun had already set. Now the group's cleaning up from their thanksgiving mess. Not being able to pull the wishbone since the turkey was too large.

It's around 8:40 when the guys were tired out. After cleaning and checking all the clips, they needed a good rest though only being 8 pm. Maeve helped put away the cameras and studio lights.

"thanks for being in the video Maeve," Freddie says

"Oh of course, it was fun."

"Glad, I'm gonna go sleep now, I think I hurt my leg tackling Toby during football. Goodnight!"

"Night Freddie," Maeve waved

"I think Toby and I are gonna head to bed too, ain't that right tubbster?"

"Uh Yup yup, goodnight guys!"

"Oh okay night!" Maeve said to them

The three boys walked up the stairs, all of them only going to bed so Tommy and Maeve could be left alone.

"They aren't gonna sleep, I bet one of them are gonna stream," Tommy says

"Yeah for sure."

"For the record, I'm really thankful for you Maeve just in general. And thank you for helping with the video too." Tommy says going to sit down on the couch.

"It was no problem, and I'm thankful for you too Tommy. I mean it's not every day when you become close with your friend from 2 years ago again. I'm glad we are." She smiles sitting down next to him

"Hey, Maeve?"


"I'm sorry for a prick in the past."

"Where is this coming from? No apology needed Tommy, you were never a prick."

"Well, I sure felt like I was."

"That's all in the past now, let's forget it. I mean we're friends again. It's better to make new memories and not make the same mistakes." She says while putting her head on his shoulder

"Yeah you're right... friends."

Published: 11/28/20
ANOTHER CHAPTER ON THE SAME DAY POG. I edited and uploaded the last chapter around 12 AM, it's 4:30 PM where I am now. I just don't like having drafts. Anyways hope you enjoyed!

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