[C14] i like you

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< Sapnap's POV: >

"Hey guys-" I walk into Maeve's room, her balcony door closed. Through the glass, I can see her and Tommy hugging each other. Both their heads turned towards the sun.

"I knew it," I whispered to myself

I let them be and walked back downstairs, Dream wanted me to ask her if she'd like to open her presents now while everyone's still here. I passed by dream, wondering if I should tell him or not.

"Wheres Maeve?" He asks me

"Oh, uh she's in her room with Tommy."


"No no no, not like that. They're just talking when I went to look for her. I didn't wanna disturb them, it seemed important."

"Oh, then I'll go ask her."

"No no no, let them be," I say holding him back

"What why?"

< Maeve's POV: >

Tommy and I have been like this for a good few minutes now. And I still don't want to let go, but all good things end dont it. I pull away from Tommy's arms. He and I have shared many hugs before, but nothing like that.



Tell me you like me, tell you me you feel the same way, please. Just tell me you have feelings for me, tell me you have a crush on me.

"We should go back down now, they're probably looking for us." He says to me

"Oh, yeah right."

God fucking dammnit Tommy. You give me a whole mother fucking necklace, plan an entire party for me, compliment me one after the other, tell me to not let go of you, and not confess anything?

We watched the sunset together on multiple occasions. How hard is it to say "I like you!"

"What?" He says turning his head to face me

"Huh? Did I say anything?" I say nervously, did I say that out loud?!

"Yeah, I heard you say something. Um, maybe I'm just hearing things." He says confused

"Yeah, probably just that." 

WHAT THE HELL MAEVE, HOW DID YOU SAY THAT OUT-LOUD?! Tommy and I walked down the stairs not saying anything to each other or what had just happened.

I went to the kitchen to grab some water, after that outburst my heart was racing.

The night dies down, and everyone is unbelievably tired. Today was most of the people who live in America's last day here in the UK. We all started to say bye to each other. I thanked everyone for coming and for planning this party.

it's only 8:45 PM but most of the people staying at the house went to bed or at least locked themselves in their rooms. That includes pretty much everyone besides me and sapnap.

I did change tho, the dress was getting uncomfortable. After changing I still had so much energy, don't think I'll be sleeping much tonight.

Ever since the balcony, it's the only thing on my mind. Why did I play it off as if I didn't say anything? Me blurring it out would have been like ripping off the bandaid. In my head, everything Tommy has done tells me he might like me the same way. But what if he did all of that in a friendly way. I mean Bestfriends do that all the time, right?

I sat in a chair near the kitchen island, having a glass of water and a bowl of fruit next to me.

"Nice necklace," Sapnap says walking into the kitchen and grabbing a snack

"Oh thanks," I say forgetting that I still had it on

"So Tommy huh?" He smirks

"Yeah what he did was nice."

"Well I mean yeah, but how are you guys?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You guys aren't dating?"

"No, no... Where'd you get that from?!"

"I just thought since he bought you that necklace, planned a whole party, and I saw you guys hugging earlier. It just made sense... sorry."

"Oh no, it's fine. To be honest with you, I'm so confused."


"If I tell you this, please don't tell Clay. I'll tell him myself, but you know..."

"Yeah of course, what's wrong Maeve?"

"I like Tommy, I really really like him. Haven't liked a guy this much in a while. But it seems like he doesn't like me the same way. Or isn't taking his chances." I start to say, "I just want him to tell me he likes me too, because whenever I'm with him... I'm happy. As cheesy as that sounds. I don't know."

"You know when I told sylvee I liked her, I felt the same way you do right now. And the fact that we lived miles away from each other, and still haven't met irl though we've been dating for 3 months... sucked. I wanna hug her and kiss her. And tell her I love her, because I can't in person." He sighs, "Maeve take this moment and tell Tommy yourself. Because we live in America, thousands of miles away from here. It doesn't matter what Tommy thinks. You should tell him so you both can figure something out or get over him."

"Long-distance? Does it work?"

"I think that just depends on how much you guys like each other. I know Sylvee and I will last, I trust her with my life. Long-distance sucks, but the moment I get to see her in person. Everything will be worth it."

"You really love her dont you?"

"Yeah,  I really do..." he smiles

"Thanks nick, this was helpful."

"No problem Maeve, you're my little sister too you know. I'm here for you."


The next morning Tommy was in my brain again. Last night talking to sapnap made my thoughts straight. I like tommyinnit, and we're in the same country now. So let's make the most of it.

I pick up my phone, looking for Tommy's contact. I pressed the call button, letting it ring for a bit. Then hearing his voice say a groggy "hey."

"Did I wake you?"

"No, I was already awake, still in bed tho. What's up."

"You wanna meet up somewhere? I don't know around 2?"

"Yeah, sure. Where to?"

"I found this park, has a garden and shit. I don't know, I just wanna see you."

"Heh, okay. Text me the address and I'll see you around 2."

"Will do, and morning Tommy."

"Good morning Maeve."

Published: 11/13/20

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