[C18] beach episode

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< July 27, Maeve's POV: >

It finally hit me, my last full day here in the UK. Clay and I have traveled around the world together before. Stayed longer for 3 weeks in other places. But none of them have been like this. There are people here we both care about. We leave tomorrow at 7 AM. George's calling us a cab so he can check around the Airbnb after we leave.

My last few outfits either sitting on my desk or in my bag for the day. Niki, Wilbur, Tommy, tubbo, George, sapnap, fundy, and I are going down to the beach to hang out one last time.

I got changed into my swimsuit then made sure I had my bag with all my things. After checking I went downstairs to wait for the guys. George and Clay have been yelling at each other about how stupid they'll look sharing a paddleboat.

I don't even think George knows how to swim.

Sapnap's lazy ass finally got finished getting ready and we were off to the beach. We're in charge of the snacks so we stopped by a grocery store before getting there. Buying some drinks and ice for the cooler. I also grabbed some chips and candy since we won't have dinner until 6.

After paying, we cramped back into George's car. Being stuck with three boys shouting Travis Scott songs from the top of their lungs. You would think I would have exploded but luckily I kept my peace.

Listen, when Tommy said tubbo had a private beach. I thought he was just joking but turns out tubbo does have a private beach. Well not exactly, but I mean no one else goes to this beach besides tubbo. So yes private beach actually.

We parked in front of the place, getting out of the car with my bag hanging on my shoulder. Down the path was the rest of the group and already set up an area for us.

Tommy and I have been acting off since yesterday, we didn't talk much after he left and we haven't talked at all today either. I don't like this, I mean yes I was kind of upset after our talk. But I miss my bestfriend already.

I run-up to the group and say hi to them, Niki and Wilbur hugging me. Tubbo smiling and yelling a "MAEVE!" Tommy had sat down on his chair, avoiding eye contact with me. I will not let yesterday affect Tommy and I's friendship. Nope. I put my stuff down next to his beach chair. And set up my chair next to his.

"Hey," I say, sitting down.

"Hi, Maeve."

I can feel my anxiety creep up on me, I haven't got anxiety talking to Tommy in while, this is definitely an old feeling I do not miss. I laid back on my chair. My heart starting to race once again. I grabbed my camera and started to take photos. I need to distract myself.

"Maeve! Sunblock." Clay yelled

I nod then I walk to my brother, grabbing the sunscreen from him and applying it to where I could. I was only wearing my black swimsuit and jeans shorts. I tried to reach my back but struggled greatly.

"Tommy help her why don't you?" Clay said looking at Tommy with a smirk on his face. God fucking damn it Clay. This is just gonna make things more awkward.

Tommy didn't decline tho, he stood up and said sure. Taking the sunscreen from my hand and putting some on his, rubbing it against my back.


"Yeah, no problem." He said giving me a grin then walking to tubbo to ask if he'd like to go paddleboarding.

I sighed to myself, going back to my chair and checking my camera...


"Don't be an idiot, I know how to swim!" George exclaimed

"Yeah okay, you haven't even stepped one foot closer to the water and we've been here for almost an hour now." Dream laughed

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