[C16] mcc after party

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< 3rd person POV: >

Today is mcc12, everyone is back at home besides Dream and sapnap. Wanting to make the most of their time, dream and sapnap decided to bring their best gaming laptops just so they can stay in the UK longer.

However this mcc, dream teams all separated. And what Maeve thought would be screaming all day, only were few loud lets go's but nothing more.

But here's the thing, Maeve's not at home but at Tommy's place. Spending mcc with him as a commentator. You must be wondering what happened at the garden, well...

* * *

"I really like you, like more than a friend way"

Shit shit shit shit, I just said that. Tommy says something please. I felt his grip around me loosen. My heart beating faster than anything in the world right now. Tommy's face looking down at mine.

"Can you say that again?" Tommy says with a surprised look on his face

"You heard me."

"I know, I just like hearing that."


"I like you too, for a while now actually. That day on the balcony I was gonna tell you after giving you the necklace. But I didn't. So when I thought I heard you say it, I freaked."

"Well you should of, it would have been the perfect time to. Plus I was waiting for it."

"Well, now you've beaten me to it."

It felt as if weight just lifted off my chest. We planned to stay a bit longer or even have lunch together but it had to be cut short as my brother worriedly spammed called me to get home...

* * *

Since then they haven't talked about it, only acting like it. If that makes any sense? They've been a lot more open to each other and well couple like... But nothing has been made official.

It's July 21st, one week before Maeve and Dream leave the UK. Everyone who knows them has been speculating that Tommy and Maeve have something going on for such a long time now. Dream has even come to the realization that Maeve's in her own life and possibly dating a boy.

Tubbo's really the only one that knows about them. I mean Tommy and Maeve both trust tubbo, it was only right to tell him.

Though Tommy and Maeve have yet to talk about their relationship. They both know not to talk to other people in a flirty way. But in their heads, they're wondering it too. Should they be together or is the distance too much?

The event starts and Tommy's stream wilds over the woman sitting on Tommy's bed. Just out of frame so her face wouldn't be seen.

Throughout the event, Tommy held the leader role. Being supportive and mature during it all. Helping quackity and wisp. Both him and Tubbo carrying the team. The team was made for success, but sadly they didn't win.

Maeve saw it all tho and was there to commentate. 5th member if you will. Cheering them on.

Dodgebolt came and it was lime vs. green. All of them ecstatic to see gogy, Wilbur, tapl, and philza having the chance to win.

Every time one member from green made a shot, tubbo, Tommy, and Maeve screamed in joy. Tommy's parents having to tell the duo to be quieter.

"If Wilbur makes that shot, Tommy owes me 20 dollars," Quackity says

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