[C22] a not so spooky halloween

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< Maeve's POV: October 31 >

"Tommy I don't know if I wanna go..." I say to the boy over the phone

"What?! Why not??"

"Milo, she'll be lonely."

"I'm sure Milo will be okay, come on Maeve pleaseee."

"Fine fine but I'm not gonna dress up."

"That's okay! I'll be there by 7:40."

I'm not the one to go out, I like staying in. My home is my happiness. I only go out when I need to and Halloween is not one of those occasions. But I mean I guess it's okay if I do. It'll be nice to see Wilbur again, I don't even know who else will be there.

I get ready for the party, wearing something pretty casual.

I wore a pink dream hoodie, the only piece of merch I have of his, a light blue ripped jean jacket, and black leggings. The dream smile only on the corner of the hoodie, so it won't be seen as much. Not that I'm embarrassed by his merch, I just don't want people asking me if I watch dream, I'm his sister. Obviously I don't.

I played with milo until Tommy got here. When I got into his car we did the regular and played our old playlist. Every time we did, the songs always gave both of us nostalgia.

"So who else is gonna be there?" I ask Tommy while the song slow dancing in the dark by Joji played through his car.

"I know Toby's gonna be there, Wilbur, Niki, Phil and his wife, fundy, Dave, Charlie, Lauren, a few of Wilbur's mates, minx, and Rihanna."

"Oh wow, all of y'all still friends."

"Yup, we're a steady bunch. Both Toby and I graduated from college and a few of them came to our ceremonies."


"Even when I'm not streaming I still farming awws. I'm so good at this."

"Every day you give me another reason why to hate you."

"But yet again you're in this car with me."

"Imma start stabbing shit." I say to him



Tommy and I arrived at will's, this is definitely a different home than last time I visited. Tommy knocks on the door, Wilbur opening it.

"Holy crap Maeve!"


"How are you?! I knew Tommy was gonna bring someone but I didn't expect it to be you! Come in come in." Wilbur says to us

"Yup hi Wilbur nice to see you too," Tommy says

"Yeah whatever hi, Tommy." Wilbur sighs

"How rude," Tommy replies faked upset

Wilbur gave me a little tour of his place, quite large. When we got to the main room, I saw a table full of snacks and food. Around the room were a few familiar faces. All of them quickly remembering me and say a welcoming hi.





Niki was one of the few people who found my new insta somehow and dm'ed me through it. She's the only one that knows what had happened besides Tommy, clay, and Alyssa. I'm happy To be seeing her again.

I have very bad social anxiety, very very bad. Being away from these people for 2 years did not help. If we were to hang out 2 years ago, I would be so comfortable and calm. But that's no longer the case.

We were about to watch hereditary when I excused myself to the bathroom, asking Wilbur where it was. I locked myself in the bathroom and sat on the toilet, cover down.

I took a deep breath, trying to keep myself calm. I barely get panic attacks in public, but today is the day. I didn't take my pills this morning so I'm a bit out of it.

I've been in the bathroom for maybe 10 minutes before I heard a knock on the door.


Its Tommy...


"Is everything okay?"

"Mhm..." I say completely lying

"Are you sure? Do you need anything?"

"I'm okay-"

"I know you're lying, But I'm right here if you need me."

I unlock the bathroom door, my heart still racing, biting the insides of my mouth. I look at the tall boy in front of me, a concerned look on his face.

He knows what's happening, this isn't the first time I've had a panic attack like this. He pulls me into a hug, wrapping his arms around me.

"Deep breathes, I'm right here." He comforts

Remember when I said hugging Tommy was practically magic? Yeah, it still is. I've never met a person whose hugs can lift the weight off someone's chest. The immediate relief I felt when he hugged me. I fell into his hug, relaxing my body. Tommy has always been the person who comforts me, it doesn't matter if it's a hug or just talking to me.

I fully understand why I liked him so much in the past...


It's around 11:26 PM, I feel a lot calmer now which is good. Tommy talked to me, really helped a lot. I always feel so embarrassed after having a panic attack in front of people I know. But it's something I can't control nor should I be embarrassed about.

We've done much as order 3 boxes of pizza and demolish it, watched 2 horror movies, karaoke, and played a harsh game of uno while listening to the nun.

Now the alcohol has been popped out, most of us grabbing a beer or two. I decided not to though Tommy is the one who'll drive me home. Tommy himself didn't get any either.

We were playing poker when Niki got a call, she stepped away from the game and we continued without her. Wilbur went up to her after 2 minutes of her missing the action.

"Imma get a beer, you want one?" I ask Tommy

"I'm good, gotta drive."


I walk to where all the drinks are, only feet or two away from Wilbur and Niki. I overhear their conversation as I pour myself a drink.

"Yeah, I don't think we'll be able to go out on my birthday, the babysitter for my niece just canceled," Niki says

"Seriously? Is there any way we can find a new babysitter in time?"

"I don't think so will"

"Uh, I can babysit, if you're comfortable with it," I say to them, going into their conversation.

"Maeve, you don't have to. I'm sure we'll figure it out." Niki replies

"No no, Niki, it's your birthday, will and you seem to have plans. I'll be glad to babysit your niece."

"Are you sure? She's young and it'll be an overnight type of thing."

"I'd love to help. November 3rd right?"

"Yup, Maeve I'm gonna ask you one more time, are you 100% sure?"

"Yes of course! You and Wilbur deserve to have a nice night."

"Thank you Maeve!" Wilbur exclaims

"Glad to help! Just text me the details" I smile

"Thank you so much Maeve, I really appreciate this."

Published: 11/25/20
CHANGED THE COVER POG, I like this one a lot more. Anyways, I hope you guys are having a good day, night, or afternoon <3

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