Chapter 4:What ever...

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Wanyin's POV

Dad really mean that. I mean I don't know why I am reacting in a way that I can't even understand.
What ever. I saw him after like a month. I don't know I was happy to see him and his delightful smile. Which might be the smile I need when I was stressed out. I think his presences really matters for me. If I just need his presence why I am reacting in this way. I see him as a friend.... Right...!!? Ofcourse.

"A-cheng, why are you here?!"
"Jie, I am just taking some fresh air."
Jie starts laughing and tap on my shoulders.
"Jie.... This is too much ...I am telling you I am here to relax."
"A-cheng, I know you very well. You are not feeling well and you are sprouting something stupid to your own heart.. am I right.!?"
"Jie... It's...... No... I am just..... Nothing.... Maybe..... YEAH.. you are right as always".
"Hmmh!!!! I know you."
"Jie, I don't know why I am reacting in a way that I didn't expect to and why I am feeling anxious."
" It's you who cause it. I mean your mind is making it complicated."
I was out of mind after hearing her reply. And I don't realise she left me and someone was beside me.

I come back to sense when I heard a voice of a steel chair dragging through

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I come back to sense when I heard a voice of a steel chair dragging through.
"Ahremmm" Haun was sitting close to me and he made a sound to get my attention.
"Yes". I was not looking to his face because I knw I might react in a way that embarassing for me in future.
" Why did you came here without telling our parents."
"Why... What.. this is my home I can go anywhere at anytime. So this question is unwanted." I really want to be alone and I was little mad at his question.
" Sorry, I know you are mad at me"
Wait... How he understands me well. I look at him this question look to him.
" Is it that obvious from your reaction. It is simple to catch that from your face. Not because I am Psychology. I can read you before I became a psychologist."
I am filled by his answer.
He suddenly ask me something
" Are you not happy for this marriage decision.!?"
"What... I think.... It's your marriage not mine". I try to skip his questions.
" But you seems anxious right now. I saw your reaction after Uncle Xiao asked me to marry Zeoy."
I am already hundred percent confused. He added questions that makes me four hundred percent confused.
I just remained silent.
"You know. For me zeoy is a good friend and someone who I can't imagine as my life partner. So for me she is always my friend."
I don't know I was happy to hear that.
But still I remain silent and look away.
He was trying to figure out my reaction. I glaze away and some how he catch me. And he smiled. That was cute to see. But I think I am embarrassed.
" You don't have to be embarrassed....... Just go for a drive..!?? What say...!?"
"Okay,... But.." I was confused.
" There is nothing complicated. Just come out with me as usual. Just get from sea breeze."
I went to take my care and gave him my key.

Yibo's POV

Yibo's POV

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