Chapter 9:Zhan's plan.

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Bowen's POV

I blame myself to not talk to him. Xing Chen. It's been a while.
I found out childhood pictures from drawer. He is such cute babe. I think he is still cute.

*Not a real picture of them for sure😂

I had feelings for you from that day itself. But we were very close that I was afraid to loss that friendship.
Now we are in this stage. I lost that friendship also.
I really want to make up everything. Now I want you to be mine. Not as friend but as my everything.

After we left from cafe Yibo and Yang went to his house to meet his parents. He is so annoying. I don't want him to be close to Xing Chen. Thank god he is straight.
I came to my home hich is near to Wang's. Uncle Wang always want to very close to them. So he force me to buy a house near Wang's and at late night Yibo also choose to stay there. So actually I am not alone.
I really want to convince by parents to visit China. I really miss them alot.

Suddenly my phone light pops.
It was an unknown number.
I climb out from my bed.

And search owner of that number.
It was from our country itself. Name is not defined.

Meet our boss. It only benefits you. Don't dare to discuss about our meet.
-your well-wishers

I want to tell Yibo. No... No before that I want to find the identity of well-wisher.

Then my phone starts ringing. It was also an unknown number. But not that number. I choose to track this number.

Bowen: Hello, who is this?

Unknown: Is that matters?

Bowen: okay then, take care.

I heard giggling from the other side.

Unknown: am I am speaking to Mr.Li Bowen.!?

Bowen: yes,

Unknown: Mr.Bowen I am Xiao Zhan

Bowen: oh, why did you call?

Zhan: does that too matters you.

And he giggles.

Bowen: yes I guess.

Zhan: I just want to make an enquiry.

Bowen: what kind of enquiry.

Zhan: it's just a yes or no question.

Bowen: proceed.

Zhan: do you have a gf? Or Bf?

Bowen: why should that matters you?

Zhan: I just need a yes or no. Mr.Bowen. please co-operate. I am in an hurry.

Bowen: no.

Zhan: okay, bye Bowen. Bye

And he hung up.. is he mad or something.

After sometime he sent me a massege.

Xiao Xing Chen
Email id : xxcxing@yahoo
Contact number: 28383848389200
Twitter: xxc.xiao

I am dumbfounded.

Wanyin' POV.

Huan haven't call me after our meet at my home. Does he really thinking forward. Oh god why does that matters for to me.

I call my superior and ask for my schedule for the day. He was in court and told me to attend clients in his office.
Mr.Qiren is Huan's uncle. He is always in good terms with me. He is really looking forward on my hardwork. He expects more from me. Actually that really stress me out.

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