Chapter 22: Boyfriend or Fiànce!?

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Yibo's POV

We both are still enjoying the night view. I can see from his eyes that he is so happy and so excited to see all that I made for him.
Actually I wasn't plan for these but I think this must be perfect.
When I see his reactions over all that I said made him so upset which makes me also upset. So I just call Mian Mian and Bowen to help me for this cute little proposal scene.
I was really really nervous though I know probability of acceptance is more. So I had a mix emotions when is comes to proposal.
I came out of my thoughts when he said something.

"Bobo look, it is the last lantern. See." He force me to look up on that. I wasn't really interested on those lanterns and all. I was still looking at his happy face which makes me more delighted.

"Baby, if you really like this that much we can fly a lantern" I hold his hand.

"It's not like that bobo, I was a little excited to see all those marks which connects to this happiest day in my life" he looks into my eye.
I take his hand and circle it over my neck and grab him closer.

"Really baby? Is this is your happiest day" I ask him. I can see his eyes are shining because of the reflection of light form on his tears which is about to touch eyelashes.
He nodded
I benevolently hold his waist and slightly try to touch his lips with mine.
I can see he is shy right now.

"Baby I am your boyfriend right now. Why are you showing me your shy face. ...... But it's actually cute" I whisper the last words near his ears.
He smile and look into my eyes.

"But I think I am your fiance baby". He said and start laughing.
Ofcourse how can I forget this is my bunny who likes to mock after eating.
I peck on his lips. And grab his hands and walk out.

"Bobo where are we going?" He asked.

"What do you want. How about a dinner date?" I ask. This was in my plan when I decided to propose him today, but I don't want to spoil this moment with him.

"Are you out of your mind bobo, its already past 1 in morning." He said. Which was expected. I already open a cafe near this street which was not so far. But inner me wants to make him feel special with this proposal itself.

"As you wish baby" I kiss near to his lips. He is still blushing which is so cute.
"Come let me drop you at your home" I take him to my bike and ride back to his home.
On the ride, I can feel he is sleeping while hugging me. Its really ticklish when he exhale to my nape.
We reach there. I really don't want to leave him. So I just stay like that for a while.

"Baby, wake up. We are here" I shake him while rubbing his hair.
He open his eyes and get down from bike.

"Baby, I really sleepy" he said with half opened eyes.

"You want me to take you to your bed bunny?"

"Yes...yes..." He nodded fast.
I smile and get down from bike and take him in bridal style.
He grab my neck and give me a peck on my checks.
I enter the passcode of his room and place him gently on his bed.
He is already sleeping like a baby.
I take his bunny soft toy and a turtle soft toy as well and place it near to him.
I lean and kiss on his forehead. I slightly open his eyes and grab my neck and give me a kiss on my lips which I reciprocate. Which was gentle initially and turn out to passionate.
I break the kiss slightly.

"Sleep my bunny, I will see you tomorrow... I love you" i said and he smile and turn around and sleep at the moment. I really don't want to go. But it's not appropriate to be here at his room before our marriage. It's not like a ritual but I really want make him mine completely after our marriage.

I comes out and ride back to home.
I really can't sleep. And I wonder how he can sleep so quickly.
Yea... It's right. It's so tiring for him for sure.

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