Chapter 24: Couples

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Author's POV

Zhan and Yibo was in the car. They are about to reach a restaurant for their first dinner date.
As always Zhan was so excited.
They both are in the back seat of yibo's car.

"Bobo, what should we eat.... I want everything spicy. And all desserts.. and ....." Zhan was continuously blabbering all kinds of food.
Yibo cany even say a word.
Finally he cut him off and said.

"Give some importance to me too" Yibo said in a cold way, no so audible.
But Zhan heard him.

"You know you are in my second priority list. Is that is awesome baby?" Zhan said.

"Second..!? What about first.!? And tell me who all are in your priority list" Yibo was so annoyed.

"My first priority is ......" Zhan started to say something but Yibo grab his hand and push him closer.

"I don't want to hear any other names from you" he said in a harsh voice. Which makes Zhan gulp.

"I was about to tell my favorite food items baby" Zhan said and withdraw his hand.
Yibo take back his both hand and place him near to his chest.

"You know I am like this. I can't take these kinds of words from you" Yibo said and kiss on Zhan's hair.

"But you hurt me" Zhan pouted.
Yibo take the chance and splash his lips towards his and started kissing.
It was a planned as peck on lips but it turns out to a passionate and then to hot.

"Mmhm!" Zhan lightly moaned which gives a way to Yibo to enter his tongue.
He started to explore in Zhan's. Which turns both to moan.
Suddenly car stopped.

"Boss, we reached" yibo's driver said.

Their lips were still connected. Both smile and sit straight.

"Come let's go" Yibo said.

They both reach one of the famous "restaurant min" which was only open for VVIP. This restaurant is not open in usual basis. It's only for choosen people with a particular cousine as the coustomer says.
Though Zhan heard about this restaurant he haven't come before. He can afford this restaurant but this was not suitable for friends gang and all. So he skip this. He always talk the about to explore multiple cousine. Zhan didn't hope Yibo would choose this restaurant for their first date dinner.

"Bobo, ... Wow.. I didn't expect you would choose this one. I was expecting yi resturant" Zhan said as he saw the restaurant.

"You don't like it" Yibo ask.

"I love it baby. But how do you know I wanted to come here"

"Does that matters baby? If you like something I want to know about it"

"But sill. Tell me baby"

"It's xing Chen. He told me many things about you" Yibo said and wink.

"Hey stipe doing that okay. There is nothing secret about me. Okay?.. I am as pure as milk"

Yibo starts laughing and he pull Zhan to resturant. The stuffs in there bow to Yibo and greet him.

"Bobo, you know them.!? Why are they giving you greets. Don't tell me you came here before with someone" Zhan pouted.

"Baby, these stuffs are mine"

"What, ... You change stuffs of this restaurant for a day?" Zhan who was not aware of what is happening ask in a questionable slang.

"Baby, this is my resturant" Yibo said.

"What... You mean. You are the owner of this famous restaurant in China"

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