Chapter 40: A Greece day

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Yibo’s POV.

We both cut the cake. All cheers for us.
“Wang Yibo, now you are married. There is no way to escape” Lixian said loud enough to all to hear.
“And I don’t want to” I hold Zhan’s waist and pull him more closer. “And I will not” I mumble to Zhan.
I missed this giggle of him that he show now.
“Bobo” …. He slightly beat on my chest.
“Okay.. okay, you both. What is your plan after event ends?”dad ask.
“What is it to ask. Of course after marriage it is obvious that we will go to Honeymoon” I said.
“what?” mom ask.
“Son, he is pregnant.”  Mom remind.
I am aware that my baby is carrying but still I want to give him the best days he deserve.
“mom, don’t be a mother in law right now. He is my husband and I know how to take care of him” I said.
“It’s your responsibility” mom said.
“aunty Wang, I am okay with it. I too want to spend time with Yibo alone.” Zhan said with a blushing face.
“Aunty????? Son I am your mom now. Don’t forget that” mom remind Zhan.
I hold his hand and we both walk to sit. I know he might be feeling discomfort. We have been standing there to greet our family and friends there on behalf of their blessings. I don’t want him to stand lon.
“Come let’s sit. Are you hungry?” I ask.
“ I do baby, I really do, but I want to eat dessert first. Not this rice” he pouted.
“Aw my baby is making you eat sweets? Zhan Zhan what do you want.!? There are many desserts there” I ask as I stand to take dessert for him.
“I need all”
“What baby,… it’s so many. You can’t finish it” I was shocked. He is obviously a sweet teeth but still there are many.
“I WANT ALL” Zhan whine.
“Aw baby, ca down and wait for me” I give him a peak to his forehead.
I took all sweets there and get back to Zhan.
By then all our friends was around Zhan.
“See Zhan, you want to come to America. I will expecting you there. Do you know Zhan, your husband have a home there which is more comfortable than here.” Lixian was convincing Zhan to come to America.
“But lixian, I don’t know if bobo wants to go there or not” Zhan ask innocently.
“That is up to you. I will show all the places there and all the treat will be mine. I will sponsor all your trip” lixian said.
“I will try” Zhan replied.
I come near Zhan and knee down and show the dessert plate that I prepared for him. He gladly took it and place is on his lap and I take the seat next to him. So that I can hear them.
“Yibo, how about we have honeymoon there.?” Xue yang ask.
“c’mon man, you know there are many places to see” he added.
“It’s honeymoon xue yang. Not a trip.” Xing Chen said.
“I wasn’t planning to go to honeymoon today. We will go after two days. I don’t want my husband feel fatigue” I said.
“Aw, baby see. How cute couple” ji li said to xue yang.
“yeah, yeah. In your eyes all other than me is so romantic. And if I come near to kiss you, you will act like a little squid” xue yang said and hug his boyfriend.
“Where are you planning to go?” Bowen ask.
“ I.. wait why should I tell you all.” I said.
“Oh come on Wang Yibo, tell us know” lixian said
“ge, Guess it” I ask my brother who was peacefully enjoying his husband’s company.
“How can I know. But listen. I can’t allow you to go America alone with Zhan” ge said.
“oh c’mon ge. I will be safe there as I am here.” I ensure him.
“as you wish” Ge said finally.
“Wanyin, which is your brother’s favorite place to go?” I ask.
“ he didn’t share these kind of talks to me. He always ask me and mock me. And when it comes to his turn it will turn out to me massive laughter day and he will ignore it” wanyin said.
“I think I know” I said.
“how?” Zhan ask.
“baby, you have already told me about it” I said.
He did. When we were young we always share these kinds of talks. And he was so excited on it.
“Really” he ask again.
“yes baby, but for today you just relax and take care of yourself and my baby Zhan” I said.
“stop embarrassing me “ Zhan said.
He has already completed dessert. I took the left over plate and take us two meals.
“Come you want to finish it” I said.
“baby, but I don’t want this pale food” he said.
“It is good for health baby” I insist and he started eating.
“yibo we will be leaving this afternoon flight. I want to plan a consultation with Dr.Tian to wanyin. He ensure me to bring back the memory” ge come near me and said.
“As you wish ge. And I am super confident that you will get back your old wanyin” I said.
“I too wish so.” He said.
“What about you all guys?” I ask to all.
“we too will be leaving soon” they said.
“Zhan finish it.” I said as I see Zhan is not eating it but Playing with it.
“but….” I didn’t allow him to say more. I stuffed  food to his mouth.
“I will feed you. But you want to finish it” I said.
He nodded and he finished it.
After that we both went to sent all back to our country.
And we go back to the hotel.
I choose another room as it was our first night after marriage. He is most special person in my life so I want him to feel the same way and make everything special for him.

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